Chapter: to the Holy City Plot in Kairothia III | World Anvil
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Chapter: to the Holy City

On the way home from the Saiyannor Village, Raphael has several things on his mind. Did he do the right thing by sparing that Celestial woman's life? Will there be negative consequences for his actions? Was his actions an act of mercy or cowardice? If Kairothia is no longer safe for Humanity, where will they go? Will the spaceship still work after all this time? ...what will happen to the Kairothians when Humanity leaves and the Celestial Empire inevitably takes control of the planet?   Raphaels' mom berates him for being out so late and being reckless, then hugs him. As angry as she is, shes' glad he's home safe, and acknowledges that he isn't a kid anymore and is free to make his own decisions. She knows that the Celestials are here, and that the Humans need to get ready to the planet leave as soon as possible.   Many of the Humans from the scientist encampment embark on a journey to the old evacuation ship.   Later that night, Raphael has a dream. A strange Kairothian looking figure with 4 arms (later revailed to be Silva) tells him that the people of Kairothia are in danger. If he wants to save them, then he must go to the Holy City of the One, and speak to the Listener. The next day, Raphael tells his mom that he needs to leave for a few days on his own. He goes to the Saiyannor Village. They congratulate and thank him for saving their village from the monster. Almost everyone in the village tries to touch Raphael, as though he were some sort of divine being. Raphael tells the chief that he needs to go to the Holy City of the One. The chief tells him how to get there. Before Raphael leaves for the city, the chief gives him a gift: some teflbug larva, a Saiyannor Village delicacy, meant to be food for the road, and a strange token called a "faith token".   In order to reach the Holy City of the One, Raphael must leave the forest and cross the great plain. The Holy Temple of the One will be visible on a hill in the center in the plain. That is where he must go.   When Raphael arrives at the city, he is stopped at the gate by the guards who have never seen a Human before. Raphael shows them the faith token from the Saiyannor Village cheif, and he is allowed into the city. But they don't allow him in on the pretence that he has written permission, but rather some of them have heard stories of Humans and revere them to be demigod like beings. Raphael finds out that the "Listener" is a VERY important person to the Kairothians, and is the head figure of their Faith. The "Listener" resides within the Holy Temple of the One, the landmark he used to find the city in the first place. He finds that the temple entrance is heavily guarded. Despite being looked at as a sort of "god", the guards refuse to allow him entry, even with the faith token. Raphael sneaks in and eventually makes it to the inner chambers, and speaks to who he believes to be the Listener.   The Listener seems to have expected him to come. The reason the Listener didn't alert the guards to allow Raphael entrance was to test him. Just as Raphael is about to warn him about the threat of the Celestial Empire, he says that he is already aware of them, and that he is more worried about a different threat that is coming, something Demonic which threatens not only the people of Kairothia, but also Humanity and the Celestials as well. The Listener tells Raphael that he must collect faith tokens and uncover the threat, because only their collective faith can eliminate this threat. Raphael is stunned. He doesn't believe in any of this stuff. However, he can't deny that it is uncanny that the Listener seemed to already be aware that Raphael was coming. What gets Raphaels attention is when the Listener mentions that there is another presence within Raphaels mind; a benevolent one, and that's how he knows he can trust him.   Suddenly aware of an intruder, two frightened attendants burst into the room. The Listener quickly calms them, telling them that Raphael is to be treated as a guest, and not an intruder. They apologise. Just as they are about to leave, he stops them, and has them give Raphael a guest room which he can stay in whenever he wants. The guards are instructed to permit Raphael entry from now on.   As Raphael is about to leave, one of the close attendants of the Listener clarifies to Raphael that the danger the Listener spoke of hasn't materialized yet, and is still in its infant stages, but the events that will lead up to it can't be stopped. It's within the very air around them: Malice.


Repeating warning of a danger that can't be understood, supposedly worse than the invaders.
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