I, Tyrant Report Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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I, Tyrant Report

General Summary

After defeating the Death Tyrant and discovering its treasure hoard, the group used Genji's teleportation sigil to move all the items of value to Benkei's basement as well as to Tengoku's treasury. During this time Genji, Bito, and Conradus finally discovered that Mugen was being kept in Benkei's basement. In a brief scuffle, they discovered that touching the seal makes Mugen corporeal, though they still don't know if he's able to use any of his abilities. Benkei then went to Abe no Seimei and tried to get Mifune to promise him that Mugen's seal would be safe in Abe no Seimei. The argument grew heated and Benkei returned to Tengoku.
Before the Fall
Conradus Stonero
Level 19 Scourge Aasimar Lawful Good Paladin, Oath of the Crown
(Faction Agent)
275 / 275 HP
Musashibo Benkei
Level 14 Warforged Warlock of the Celestial
(City Watch)
312 / 126 HP
Yukimura Sanada
Level 119 Human True Neutral Fighter
150 / 150 HP
Player Journals
Benkei is a Fool and the Next Steps by Conradus Stonero
Report Date
23 Feb 2020


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