Benkei is a Fool and the Next Steps by Conradus | World Anvil

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Benkei is a Fool and the Next Steps

by Conradus Stonero

I think I am starting to understand Genji's lack of trust. Benkei has proven he is too foolish to understand the gravity of keeping a powerful enemy within his abode's walls. The fact he does not even know if his basement is a seperate entity from this realm or not is troubling to say the least. I do hope he comes to his senses and allows Mifune to take the seal.
While we are now considerably richer and have a new bargaining tool with the mine the fact another visage of a demon lord has appeared is troubling, or "kami" to Genji and Benkei. It has been far too often to be a coincidence, you know what they say 3s a pattern. It honestly feels like we're back at the beginning of our adventure when Nozomi, Genji, Banshou, and I had no real idea what we're getting into. Sure we are stronger but knowledge is power and we truly know nothing.
In a lighter mood I hope to go to the isolationists and convince them to craft me a weapon because Tyr knows the foreign Katana doesnt suit me, I need something with more oomf. While the blade smith in Miketsukami seemed very skilled, I did truly enjoy the mechanical weapon crafted for me by Kakuzu and if I can get another by the true masterminds that would be ideal. Maybe Genji could get a weapon crafted from the blade master instead of me? Either way choices to be made.
The next couple days shall be interesting, I will suggest Genji and I do some more mining while Benkei figures out his plan. Afterwards I will want Benkei to take me to Byakuroku even if the attempt will be futile as I am still a foriegner. Interesting times ahead to be sure I just hope we are ready...

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