Now We Wait by Conradus | World Anvil

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Now We Wait

by Conradus Stonero

We have the scroll, we know she is after us, it is now just a waiting game until we strike at Vazrimoth again. Not much more to say about that. We also now think they are up north near the glass cliffs and assume theyre trying to get in contact with Tamamo no Mae.
I do wish to speak to Sasaki Kojiro, his fighting technique has me very intrigued. One handing a heavy weapon is quite the feat of strength.
While yes I specialize in larger weapons myself, the use of my shield prohibits me from using their full potential. I do not know if it is even possible to learn his fighting style in a relatively short amout of time but would certainly like to try.
Sora seems to have the attitude of someone who is repentant of their past sins, however I will want to keep a close eye on her until she has truly gained my trust.

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