Fiery Prominence Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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Fiery Prominence

General Summary

The group fought off the bog trees as well as the Kyotouryu wielding Honne Onna that had been reanimated by the Glimmer. When the battle ended, they collected the gauntlet Kyotouryu and fled the area. That night, Genji, having felt some sort of familiarity with the Honne Onna attempted to peer into Rinne's memories. He was able to remember her name: Nonomiya Kotomi, as well as the abilities of her Kyotouryu Onikiri. However, Rinne's memories and personality became more dominant and even the name "Genji" lost its meaning to him.    After another unsuccessful day of travel, Benkei was able to persuade a pair of Kitsune children into giving him directions to Jigoku Tayū's shrine. The group flew over the grove of living bamboo that surrounded the lake of miasma where her shrine was located. As seen in Benkei's scry, the shrine was in a state of disrepair, as if it had been engulfed in a great fire. They found the Jigoku Tayu as well as Nozomi dead in her palanquin. Using Locate Object Conradus was able to trace the mirror to the bottom of the lake but when he attempted to take it, the lake became fire and spawned a gargantuan hellfire orochi which trapped the mirror within its chest. Genji and Benkei did their best to hold it at bay but they were overwhelmed and Benkei was killed. With some quick thinking from Conradus, he dove into the center of the creature and pulled the mirror from within it's chest, causing the creature to fade away. After reviving Benkei, the group teleported to Abe no Seimei.
Report Date
21 Dec 2020


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