Eastern Kolaskyvan History in Johorne | World Anvil

Eastern Kolaskyvan History

In land area, Kolaskyva is the second largest continent on Johorne, just behind Fripperland. It is, however, far and ahead the most populous continent on the planet.   Kolaskyva is divided into many different regions, such as western, central, and eastern. the west is largely populated by the Kathuri and the Rutheinians, while the center of the landmass also is shared by Rutheinians, but is largely home to the Ssskathiks, while eastern Kolaskyva is dominated by the Arasians, the Gerreggians, and the Amethians. Within Kolaskyva, large scale civilizations were tied largely to the southern regions for millennia. The Rutheinians, and then the Amethians, who lay alongside the Great Channel are the oldest Kolaskyvan civilizations.   In the east, in Amethia, the land was punctuated by rivers that descended from the northern mountains. Throughout this region, largely at the intersection of prominent rivers, many influential city-states formed. These people, the Llaelic, were influenced greatly by colonies from Fripperland, like those of the Atinians. Over the centuries, some of these city-states grew to dominate large regions. Eventually, all of the Llaelic cities came to be dominated by the city of Leom in what would be known as the Leomite empire. Leom would shape eastern Kolaskyva's greatly. Not only would the empire give the bases for infrastructure and political development, but the dominant faiths of the land largely trace their roots to Leom. Leom's early days were marked by anonymity. Around 800 B.K. was when the first Frippish colonies appeared on the western coast of Amethia. At that time, Leom was nothing more than an unimportant village. However, despite its mediocrity, it did possess a geographical advantage at the convergence of two rivers: the Triun and the Inbris. It grew in importance and annexed or confederated with its neighboring cities. By 320 B.K. the dynamics of the region had completely changed. The Frippish colonies had largely been absorbed by the regional powers, and Amethia as a whole was dominated by a few important cities. Among these was Leom, which now had to itself quite a sphere of influence. The importance of the year 320 B.K. was due to a Gerreggian incursion.   The Gerreggians had been known to the Llaelic for centuries. They had on occasion penetrated into Lyalla looking for spoils and on rare incursions they came looking for new land to settle. However, the party of 320 B.K. went deeper into Lyalla than any previous one had. They reached the great city of Medin and sacked it. Not satisfied, they pushed further into Amethia, coming to the ancient city of Tibrici and sacking it too. The Leomite kingdom managed to defeat the party, forcing them back into Lyalla which they settled.


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