Amethia Geographic Location in Johorne | World Anvil


Amethia is a peninsula in southern Kolaskyva. It is largely inhabited by Llaelics nations, which have been in the region for millennia.


It is characterized by a mountainous north from which many rivers traverse throughout the region flowing south. It's northern border meets the Gerreggian plains. It's eastern border meets the Kingdom of Etraks. It's western border meets Tastadt.   Most of the region, as a peninsula, is surrounded by water. The western waters carry on through the Great Channel, whereas the southern waters, at the channel's end, take straight to Fripperland, and the eastern waters open up to Destiny Island and Barnakh.


Amethia, sitting on the Great Channel, was prime for early civilization to spring up on. Eventually, the Leomite empire arose, spreading its culture and religion over much of the greater region.
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