Republic of Ancient Races Organization in Jeslore | World Anvil
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Republic of Ancient Races

"The elders are a racial group defined by 2 things: having strong animalistic traits, and being descendant of the original, most ancient race native to Jeslore. The R.A.R is a quasi democratic confederacy protecting/representing the vast majority of elders in Jeslore. While there of course are elder races that are not a part of the RAR, or even worse denounced them, the vast majority of elder nations are a part of the RAR. They are not too dissimilar to DECTA in its basic philosophy, it being a centralized government representing and defending nations of varying levels of autonomous. The RAR is also often described as hyper conservative, enforcing traditions that were progressive 3000 years ago. The RAR sees itself as Jeslore's mentor, particularly setting itself up as the mentor of DECTA and the humanoid races." - Hitchhiker's guide to Jeslorian politics


The RAR is a quasi democratic racial confederation. The whole faction works on something of a racial hierarchy that influences a system similar to an electoral college. The racial hierarchy dictates the amount of electors each race gets in each election, with the harpies getting the most electors (usually enough to determine the outcome of an election) and elder races that resemble humanoids the most having less electors. As mentioned before the hierarchy is very rigid with any attempt at moving races up and down not endorsed by the harpies which are at the top being immediately rejected.  

R.A.R Racial Hierarchy Castes

Ypopterarchos - The top of the RAR racial hierarchy. Only those with little to no resemblance to humans fall into this caste.  
Depuminagos - The deputies of the Ypopterarchos. Includes Centaurs, Charchara, both Majolkkrat formerly, and both of the Hymekian races.  
Citzenry - The general citizens are mostly seen as equal to the depuminagos and have the same electors as them, but don't have the additional responsibility of enforcing the hierarchy.  
The enslaved - The lowest rung on the hierarchy. The enslaved 
  The hierarchy is determined by how strong the animal traits are in an elder and how weak the human resemblance is, with Harpies at the very top and western Majolkkrat (formerly the eastern before they broke off and formed the iron union), Centaurs, Charchara, and Southern Hymek acting as their deputies in enforcing the hierarchy as the harpies envision it. Below this priority caste are the races the RAR views less as deputies and more as average citizens. The citizenry includes driders, merfolk, elder guardians, treants, dryads, nagas, and quirgoids. The last and lowest rung on the ladder of the RAR's racial hierarchies for their striking resemblance to humans. 
  Ypopterarchos are essentially the nobles of the RAR, where even the poorest harpies live in clean flats with purified drinking water, access to health insurance and food. The Ypopterarchos generally live in upscale cities that were built in mountainous regions. The Depuminagos and citizenry all live in wildly varying living conditions depending on their own cities. Meanwhile, the enslaved live all across RAR territories. The enslaved have fixed living conditions where they live in large facilities reminiscent of homeless shelters and prisons with access to clean water, basic food rations served in cantinas, a courtyard with trees for activities, clean clothes and all other necessities. While slaves in the RAR were never mistreated per se (especially compared to the empire or some minor factions of Jeslore), their lives are just incredibly dull.


RAR dogmas The RAR is hyper conservative, traditionalist, and quasi religious. While religions definitely differ within the republic, there are a few beliefs held as paramount within the republic. For example, the RAR strongly believes Jeslore is a closed system, therefore citizens of the RAR are not allowed to leave the planet. They also generally hold negative views on race mixing, especially when it is with humanoid races. The RAR is made up of the descendants of Jeslore's original inhabitants, whereas elves, orcs, and humans evolved from apes. It is for that reason, they view elders that resemble humanoids more as lesser. Expanding on this, the RAR sees itself as a mentor to DECTA and the galactic council, willing to guide them to a suitable level of greatness, despite the fact that they are enslaving their own kinds for resembling humanoids.  

The Naturalist Party

The naturalist party is the biggest progressive movement within the RAR. Their agenda includes environmental protections, abolition of slavery, dismantling of the racial hierarchy, and reparations for enslaved races. While the RAR itself sees the naturalist faction as a group of firebrand loudmouths, they are good for PR. Thanks to the naturalist party many foreign nations associate the RAR and the naturalist faction within the RAR as allies instead of opposition. The naturalist faction, as a progressive movement in a hyper conservative government, has only been able to make very gradual progress. They are largely self funded and work with organizations in allied factions (sometimes even with allied factions themselves) to make progress in their goals.   The primary goal of the naturalist party was to protect forests. The RAR was previously notorious for deforestation, and the naturalist faction was the only thing standing in their way. The dryads are largely at the center of this movement, but the centaurs, treants, merfolk, and elder guardians are also common members of the naturalist faction. They generally try to achieve their goals through peaceful protests and activists, but sometimes splinter groups go off the handle and commit acts of terrorism. The naturalist party also has started project furnace in collaboration with DECTA.   The furnace project is an effort to free RAR slaves on a systematic scale in a way that benefits the RAR, which is the only way they wouldn't shut this down. In essence, corporations, benefactors, and charity drives within DECTA and the galactic council raise money that is used to purchase slaves from the RAR. Because slaves are government property in the RAR, they won't sell them to private companies, individual consumers or other movements. But much like military equipment, they will be sold to allied factions such as the galactic council and DECTA. The RAR is aware that the furnace project is an effort to free these slaves, but since they are paid large amounts for it and since they are not reliant on slavery, they don't see a disadvantage. In addition, the naturalist faction, DECTA, and the galactic council are pretty up front about their intentions, meaning project furnace did not cause diplomatic tension. Project furnace is incredibly expensive, as the goal is to purchase more slaves than the RAR can produce, to eventually buy out their inventory.   To complicate matters, DECTA and the galactic council are not able to allocate enough funds without disrupting their own very important project, meaning that the majority of its funding has to come from charity organizations dedicated to project furnace across colonies, rich benefactors, and charity drives where people are prompted to donate small amounts of money to the project. It is very successful so far, but much like any other charity drives is incredibly reliant on exposure.  

Slaves in the RAR

The way slavery works in the RAR, is that it's a system where the enslaved are slaves by their absolute most basic definition: Slaves are not allowed any agency in their own lives, they work not for pay but for food, shelter, and healthcare, and most importantly they are forced to follow the strict rules of RAR society. Slaves in the RAR do have rights, and are even recognized as citizens which distinguishes slavery in the RAR from slavery in other factions where they are seen as pure property. Slaves in the RAR have the following rights:
  • Right to federal protection - This means that slaves are protected by the law. This makes harming a slave illegal on the same grounds as harming a regular citizen. Killing a slave actually leads to a worse prison sentence than a regular citizen, as destruction of federal property charges are slapped on top of the murder charges.
  • Right to healthcare - Slaves automatically receive the most basic healthcare for work related injuries. General labour laws also apply to them, so they get vacation and sick days, but they are not allowed to protest with other workers.
  • Human rights - While it is unabashedly slavery, to compromise with DECTA in their alliance, RAR agreed to follow human rights guidelines as stated by the Kitzbach convention. Essentially slaves are treated like prisoners, where their basic needs are met, everything they need is provided, they are protected like other citizens, are not dehumanized, and must be kept safe during times of war.
  The slave races in the RAR are hated and looked down on, more due to their race than the fact they are a slave. Upon first glance, it would be hard to distinguish them from citizens because they are allowed to go outside without the presence of a guard to do their work, and are generally just an unpaid workforce. They don't face abuse and live relatively comfortable if incredibly dull lives. Of course, laziness is not tolerated, but those that resist are banished from RAR territory and will have to make it out on their own, which is easier said than done. It is only once they are banished and they lose federal protection that the hatred for them in the RAR becomes apparent, and escaping RAR territory is difficult and dangerous without the support of the naturalist party, DECTA, The Council, The Fleet, or the furnace project. Previously, before the RAR alliance with DECTA, slavery was not as lax as it is now. Essentially, before DECTA demanded them to be freed but settled on humane treatment, the slaves were often starved if they did not work hard enough. They were also openly mistreated by free citizens, and they had no safety gear for their jobs, and workplace casualties were incredibly common.   No active slave rebellion exists, and there's little outside pressure on the RAR to end the practice (outside of movements started by those that made it out), mostly because slavery in the RAR essentially mirrors work culture in capitalist nations, where people do starve because they're not paid enough. In an ironic twist, the slaves in the RAR generally have higher living standards than a lot of free people in late stage capitalist nations because of their 3 fixed meals a day, guaranteed water, electricity, and bedding. But they're also unhappy because of the life forced upon them. Slaves are forced to follow the strict idealized social norms of the RAR where they are allowed to have only one partner which is assigned to them of the opposite sex but the same race. Women get maternal leave once they have children. It is mandatory for female slaves to bear children at some point, though they have a say in when.   Slaves in the RAR, as government property, wear distinct uniforms in the form of white jumpsuits with their identifying barcode and number on a tag on the left side of their chest, and a QR code leading to their government dossier on their back.   Escape attempts are frighteningly rare. Many slaves, over years of cultural erasure and conditioning, have mostly resigned to their dull life of work, eat and sleep until death. Their very mild-mannered treatment helps reduce fervour in foreign powers seeking to pressure the RAR into abolishing slavery. Likewise, does the treatment reduce fear of the owners in the slaves, and mostly just makes them apathetic to their situation. The fact that some free people in capitalist nations have it worse also disincentivizes escape, which is endlessly repeated for those that do try to escape. Escape is not punished by death, in fact escaping slaves are very rarely obstructed unless they have not finished their work yet. But when they are caught doing it they lose their citizenship, which includes losing access to public transport, protection of government, and all rights they had. They will be expelled from RAR territory, by force, if they do not move fast enough and are given no supplies to make the trip. Banished slaves very rarely make it out of RAR territory alive, so between the harsh lives they will be given if they choose freedom, the apathy that has been forced onto them by the government, and the stable lives they lead while enslaved, many just don't see it as worth it. More recently escaped slave races, especially chroma and slimes are far more likely to try and escape, mostly because they haven't been conditioned yet.

Public Agenda

The main concern of the republic of ancient races is to serve as a global platform for nations to air their grievances and to avoid global war (or end it quickly by rallying nations against the obvious aggressor). They also propose or deny global events such as games or declare international emergencies. They will assist countries hit by a disaster and reward others for doing so, deliver aid, train units to assist in global happenings, and generally just act as a moderator for global happenings (not unlike world congress). They try to preserve order and stability rather than peace, as by flexing their immense technological superiority they can intimidate most nations into complying with their demands. But when pushed too far, they will go to war, and their defensive frontlines are second to none.


The RAR has the strongest military of Jeslore bar none. They have both numbers and technological advantage. Their frontline is nearly impenetrable, and by weaponizing lycanthropy any organized attack very rarely stays united long enough to deal any damage to their defense lines. Meanwhile their aces, annihilator tanks, and roc VTOLs are an equally powerful offensive tool.

Technological Level

The technological level of the RAR is unmatched. Their "technological overmight" has been what protected them from war so far, as no one was really interested in getting destroyed by weapons 15 times more advanced than what they had. While in the mortal world this gives them a serious advantage, because it is based on misappropriated spirit knowledge, the RAR has serious spiritual problems. The dragons and elder guardians despise the RAR, and they will recieve no guidance from Jeslore's wisest creatures even in their hour of crisis. All the knowledge they essentially stole from the spirit realm can not be used by others either, making them a spiritual threat as much as they are a military one.   Even without spiritual guidance, the RAR already has what it needs. With the help of rogue wardens, spirit sensitive individuals, and advanced technology they are still able to extract knowledge from the spiritual world and weaponize it. The plundering of the spirit realm combined with one of the most terrifyingly effective R&D departments in history gives the RAR the edge it needs to ward off its enemies.

Foreign Relations

  • Dracholmian Union - The republic of ancient races has "chosen" the dracholmian union to go beyond and be the standard-bearer for Jeslore and its races. There is an interesting teacher/student dynamic between the two factions, and the republic of ancient races is well known to guide the faction of diamonds in the rough to new levels of political and scientific thinking. Though they are far from the finished product (the republic itself), the Dracholmian Union shows promise both in its morality, fighting spirit, and cultural power.
  • Galactic Council - Interactions between the galactic council and the republic are very brief and best described as a mixed bag. They see the galactic council as a deviation of the greatness that they had planned for the Dracholmian Union and have denounced the decadent corporate nature of its culture. On the other hand, they are in awe of the technological level of the council coming almost close to the level the republic itself has reached.
  • Joint Empire Alliance - The republic has denounced the joint empire alliance, particularly the dusk elven empire as a bunch of cruel, overly zealous barbarians that have forsaken their logical acumen for needlessly fatalistic and cruel faith that will only lead to ruin, by the hand of the republic if necessary.
  • Iron Union - Ever since the Majolkkrat communist revolution, the two superpowers have drifted from each other. The Iron Union's new communist regime sees the republic as nothing more than a congregation of arrogance and ostentation, especially since their secession. The Iron Union rapidly advanced its own technology to nearly match the level of the republic. The republic itself sees the Iron Union as a tragic lesson in how rage, paranoia, hatred can lead one to burn one too many bridges.
  • Drosden Fleet - The republic of ancient races is comprised of some of the greatest thinkers of Jeslorian history, thus it comes as a surprise to no one that they see the fleet for what it truly is: A powerful rogue military state with a nearly unstoppable economy and two of the most brilliant minds in history at the helm of all of it. They know that they can not treat the fleet as some minor nuisance, it has an argument for a global superpower and thus gets the same respect. Relations between the republic and fleet are generally positive, and they see each other as valuable military allies. They also have strong economic ties, mostly due to their proximity to one another.

War Crimes

  • Slavery - Slavery is a war crime under the Kitzbach convention.
  • Erasure - The practice of erasing cultures of enemy forces/annexed territories is strictly forbidden.
  • Annexing of neutral territories - Many of the races now enslaved by the RAR were neutral. Invading them was a violation of the Kitzbach convention.
  • Suppression of civil rights - The RAR constantly stifles any attempt at changing its society.
  • Censorship and suppression of free speech - The RAR has taken various methods against its own people in the past for expressing dissenting opinions, especially against its slave races. These actions have ranged from fines to assassinations.
Designated Status: Intensely dogmatic   Status Meaning: The RARs problems predominately stem from its own conservative views and a militant inertia to change. They hold views that on the surface seem like they would justify an attack on them, but through compromise and change from within they will eventually change.

We were, we are, we always will be

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
RAR/Conservatives (Usually perjorative)/Confederates (Also usually perjorative)
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Political Ideology:
Classical Republic   Alignment:
Lawful Neutral   Power Type:
Technological/Diplomatic power   Military Expertise:
Air-Force/Ace Combat



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