The Republican Counter-Force Organization in Jeslore | World Anvil
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The Republican Counter-Force

"As one would expect of a faction composed entirely of races with body plans not at all similar to the most common humanoid body plan, the tactics of the RCF are beyond unorthodox. The RCF and its soldiers have the most robust air force of all Jeslorian armed forces. What really makes the RCF unique is that all units, both vehicular and infantry units have at least limited flight as an ability. This is partially because the top of the RAR hierarchy leads others in battle too. To keep up with the harpies, all soldiers in the RCF have augments that give access to flight, and those that already have access to flight will have it enhanced." -Hitch-hiker's guide to Jeslorian militaries.  

Republican Counter-Force

The RCF is the standing army of the RAR, that while willing to recruit non-elders is also pretty hesitant on doing so, and any humanoid serving the RAR can basically forget ever reaching a rank over sergeant. This treatment is extended to races from outside Jeslore (who are pejoratively referred to as aliens) who may otherwise strongly resemble other races. Combat units in the RCF have a very strong emphasis on agility and range, as each individual soldier has access to at least limited flight. The apparatus used to gain flight is different for each race.   The RCF is excellent at maintaining air superiority, as almost all its soldiers are able to at least temporarily take flight to fight flying vehicles with specialized equipment. The RCF also has an air force of its own. Soldiers inside RCF aircraft can eject from their aircraft without consequence, as they are usually already capable of flight. Gaining air superiority is usually the priority when the RCF is doing anything other than a skirmish with enemy forces. The RCF is even better at spec op operations, as the immense manoeuvrability of soldiers lets them enter enemy bases from any angle. Given their ability to fly, RCF soldiers are incredibly hard to repel, especially if they can approach undetected.   Classes and at least partially RCF chain of command is based on race. Due to a treaty with DECTA, the RCF may not deploy enslaved races in combat positions or near areas of operation. Given that the RCF still believes in DECTA as having the potential of becoming a cultural juggernaut like RAR, they very much wish to avoid war with them and obey the treaty. At least an all out war, as RCF and Expeditionary Command forces do sometimes engage in skirmishes over land and resources.   When actively engaging the enemy, the RCF generally sets up a command camp not too far away from areas of operations, where high commanders follow the situation and update troopers with orders that are relayed by harpy officers leading the fight.


Being at the top of RAR society and capable of flight on their own, harpies are as per usual at the top of the hierarchy. They generally act like field commanders when they do serve and are equipped with jet boosters on their waist which helps them reach even higher top speeds if they have to enter battle. Lower ranked harpies generally act like captains, and it is common for them to be targetted by enemy forces. Killing active harpies in an area of operation will cause morale to nosedive as lower ranks are cut off from the command camp and no longer able to receive orders. Harpies themselves whenever they are not giving orders are very rarely seen actually on the ground using weapons. They generally fill the role of a predator drone or a scout plane, flying over enemy positions at incredible speeds, usually dropping bombs as they do while giving orders and directing troops. Their armour is also equipped with a dual machine gun that peeks over their shoulder and is controlled through brain waves and eye tracking in case they have to fight on the ground.  


Unsurprisingly, enlisted merfolk are typically serve in the RCF naval branch. They are given waterproof weapons and due to their speed are often deployed as deep sea black ops units. Their armour is built to resist the immense pressure commonly found underwater, and their most common mission is to sabotage deep sea military operations of other factions. They can also sabotage vessels by placing charges or directly engaging enemy diver forces.  


Driders are only loosely related to the RAR as a whole and don't have as much enlistment pressure as other races as a result of it, much to the dismay of the RCF. Driders are generally deployed as black ops units. Their silent walks and ability to stick to walls, as well as poison bites and biological predisposition to stealthy assassin work makes driders immensely useful to the RCF. Unlike other factions, the RAR does not need to rely on fall guys to conduct illicit activity. Drider equipment is very form fitting and its flight is more of a careful and silent descent, like a parachute. It typically comes with satchels for silent weaponry and a stealth generator.  


Valued as heavy gunners and juggernauts, the centaurs, especially the rhino variant are a force to be reckoned with. Donning power armour and wielding large machine guns, these guys fill the position of heavy shock trooper in the RCF with instead of powered flight, their suits are equipped with a long range rocket jump to ensure they can chase down retreating enemies longer than other units. They also are known to take charge of soldiers when the harpy commander is shot down during the retreat to mitigate the damage of routing.  


With the DECTA treaty disallowing slave regiments, the RCF had to find anyone other than Nymphs to fill their medical ranks. Treants were the next obvious choice for this, with a natural magical skill set that healing spells can be added to and overall sturdiness. Being part of the naturalist faction though, treants are generally opposed to anything the RCF tries to do and are known to use the RCFs reliance on them as medical officers to push a progressive agenda in the RAR. Treant military suits can essentially be described as armoured terrariums that have windows they can stick their limbs out of. Because Treants are otherwise immobile, the military suits treants wear have modes of transport they can use to hove around.  


The Nagas that still live with the RAR and serve in the RCF are predominately deployed as generalist riflemen, using assault rifles. Their mobility is about on par with that of a human, and they keep their hands free while climbing. In fact, slithering offers more stability than running and sprinting, meaning that Nagas have higher accuracy even while moving around. Naga suits offer full body protection using small barbs on the bottom side to increase grip while climbing and moving. The end of the tail has an axe mounted on it, giving access to a more effective melee option at point-blank range. Their helmets give underwater breathing ability and come with spotting technology, to help Nagas fight underwater. They also have an energy blaster on their shoulder should they ever find themselves out of bullets. The flight option on Naga battle suits essentially function as double jumps, allowing a Naga to clear long gaps.  


With natural armour and a level of biological tools that can be repurposed into weapons, Dryads would have been a common sight in the RCF if it weren't for the fact they essentially spearhead the naturalist faction. Any dryads in the RCF are usually mercenaries that care very little about the agenda the naturalist faction is trying to push. Roses with distinct thorns, Dryads when on the battlefield are a force to be reckoned with as their military suits on top of their natural armour makes them very tough to kill. They have the same shoulder blaster as Nagas and their suits are capable of extended rocket flight, and their helmets protect both against bullets and low oxygen environments.  


Quirgoids are one of the naturally most tanky races in existence, with their thick crab like armour plates. Their thick, strong claws are not useful for holding weapons but very useful for crunching through light armour in a powerful melee attack, while their thin arms are only capable of handling lighter weapons. With 6 legs, a quirgoid can maintain more stability while walking and thus maintain higher levels of accuracy while moving. Quirgoids, due to their natural armour and strong close range melee attack, are often deployed in situations of area denial. They are given bulletproof shields which attach to their claws, so they can hold the line, and shotguns used by their smaller arms to ensure lethality in medium to close range. Their battle suits add to their natural damage resistance, and gives a long distance jet jump, so they can relocate quickly.  


Charchara are essentially put in charge of any underwater operation. They wield long range waterproof weaponry and battle suits that increase their swim speed. Their helmets leave their mouths uncovered so they can still bite enemies and have visors that help with tracking enemy movements.  

Southern Hymekians

Due to the differences between sexes in Hymekians, a hymekian's role in the RCF will depend on it. Male hymekians with their impressive armour and strong fangs take on the role of a slow moving phalanx unit, raising shields to cover an advance towards an enemy. In their suits are shield generators. When hymekians are in formation, their energy shields will link, drastically improving energy efficiency and strength. When hymekians move in formation, the only thing that will stop them are ground based traps such as landmines. Once out of formation, the hymekians still prefer shield wall tactics, using guns that stick through the apropriate slots to dispatch enemies, and their shield generators can't link as well so they become vulnerable to ranged explosives. Individually, hymekians are far less threatening as the shields they carry make it harder to turn and hit moving enemies, and their backs have no additional armour. They also don't have any flight options.   The females with their slender bodies and more bee like shapes will essentially act as deputies of the harpies (any elder race capable of flight is seen as close to perfection). They are not as fast as the harpies in terms of flight speed but far more efficient as far as hovering goes meaning when in flight and combat they act a lot like helicopters. Much like helicopters, their battle suits have an ample supply of rockets and supply for machine guns which sprout from the back. Hymekians are excellent at area denial, as once their weapons are armed they can barrage an area until nothing is left. There is usually ample warming, as they don't fly too fast and can be seen in the air before they take fire.   Aside from the rockets, another reason to stay away from Hymekians in the air are the long collapsable spears they carry they use to impale anyone that gets too close. While normally they wouldn't be able to move fast enough to make this attack work with all this weight on them, their battle suits have thrusters that increase stability while firing and can be used to thrust the user forward with enough speed to help the spear pierce through most conventional armours.  

Western Majolkkrat

With the Iron Union being a staunch enemy of the RAR, the only majolkkrat that remain enlisted with the RCF are the western variant. Being close to rats, they make for excellent scouts and snipers. They are often sent into unmapped areas not unlike the scavenger corps. Their knack for detecting trouble ahead of time makes them excellent at avoiding trouble and quietly mapping an area without ever alerting enemy forces. Their battle suits come with jet packs which lets them flee a scene through the air and makes them really hard to catch, it also comes with stealth generators.

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