Aquacity Spell in Jerde | World Anvil
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Aquacity (ah-KWAH-sih-tee)

Aquacity is an uncommon Gifted Power that allows the holder to bend water to their will. It has been classified as both elemental and helpful in various records of powers.


by Lilliana Casper
Aquacity is the Gifted power that controls water. Aqualings can manipulate existing water and pull moisture out of the air to form streams to control. Powerful Aqualings are able to pull water out of plants and creatures, and even create it out of nothing, although very few Aqualings have exhibited this ability outside of theories. The most powerful Aqualings are also known to have nearly effortless control over water and aspects relating to its control, including purification and sensing.   Aqualings are generally employed in landscaping, gardening, and water purification. Many also take important jobs as chefs or entertainers. Aquacity houses prefer to live near water, such as beaches, lakes, and rivers, and Aqualings can rarely be found in desert areas or dry countries.

Side/Secondary Effects

Like all Gifteds, Aqualings experience Downsides. Aqualings specifically exhibit symptoms of hallucinations, nausea, headaches, stomachaches, and sometimes mood swings and dissociative personality disorder, as well as other mental and emotional symptoms.


Most often, Aquacity manifests in a clearly visible way. Water shivers and shifts, the humidity rises, and the temperature drops slightly before the intended manipulation takes place. There are times when the appearance is less noticeable, such as water stilling or moving marginally faster. Aquacity requires focus, so the Aqualing's strain may be seen in some situations. Very rarely is it impossible to notice.
As one of the strongest elemental powers, Aquacity is clearly visible at all times except in special cases. Noticing its manifestation should be quite easy for anyone with a knowledge of Gifteds.
— excerpt from A History of All Gifteds


Aquacity was discovered early on in Jerde's history, probably sometime during the 700-600s BEA or even earlier, such as during the Dark Years. It began in Bazilia and spread to other continents, primarily Eterlania and Rushlinna. It remains an uncommon ability in most areas.

Applied Restrictions

Aquacity has few restrictions. Aside from Gifted-intolerant countries like Dalirn, most places only require Aqualings to go through training under a known Gifted who has experience teaching those with elemental powers. This is usually another Gifted, but at times it is a Flamer or Icer.

Well-Known Recent Aqualings

Queen Lavinia Calleron of Whirlan  (killed during the Assassination of Blood)
Yuu Suguru of Nishigo
Princess Laharika Calleron of Whirlan (went missing after her parents' death)
Related Element
Effect Duration
Dependant on the strength of the Aqualing
Effect Casting Time
Anywhere from a few seconds to minutes
Up to four or five miles

Disaster Averted

In 1894 in western Whirlan, a nearby dam on the Kisely river was compromised, and the force of the water broke the rest of the dam, releasing several tons of water across the fields and straight at the nearest village. Usually, there were people stationed at the dam to report any issues, but on this day, no one was there, and no one knew what happened.   Alone in her family's garden far away from the village, twelve-year-old Lucinda May saw the torrent rushing toward her. Knowing she couldn't run fast enough to alert anyone, she desperately called on all of her power and stopped the water. Paralyzed with the effort, she was trapped in the fields holding back an entire river, as more water was added to the force. It took two hours for someone to notice the wall of water rising in the distance and alert the Mays. When Lucinda's family arrived to help, the water had pushed forward until the girl's hands were horizontally submerged in liquid. The more experienced Aqualings were able to return the river to its proper course, and after being attended to by Healers, Lucinda was hailed as a hero in Whirlan, Tierhal, and other local countries for years after.  
by Lilliana Casper

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Cover image: by Lilliana Casper


Author's Notes

Yes, that sidebar story was inspired by a Dutch fairy tale that may or may not be true.

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