The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Fifty-two Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Fifty-two

General Summary

The party made a quick plan for how to handle The Merchant Council before being led to the city hall. North of the The Snowbright Gladiatorial Arena is a narrow alley that leads to a beautiful two story building. The party was led to hall with chairs where they waited to get into the council meeting. Eventual the Myth Breakers were also brought in and then later Illia Ellia arrived with Cry and Angus. The party was brought in to the council chamber, along with the Myth Breakers. The Myth Breaker placed a platinum piece at the base of a statue of a woman being showered in coins, the party followed their lead. The council questioned the party, Rhy in particular about the mine. Eventually, Professor Lathias Longhorn was asked for his input and finally Angus revealed himself. As the questioning intensified Rhy cast dominate monster on Borris Stoneshine and he succumbed to his best interests long enough to say something incriminating. He attempted to leave and Cry pinned him down with an arrow. Lathias cast hold person and offered handle Borris until whichever authority the council used could take him. With rest of the meeting postponed the party talked to Illia, agreeing she would in the future do them a favour that takes no longer than 24 hours and costing no more than 10,000 gp. After they spoke with Cry and Angus about what the two of them would do now. The party suggested that they going to Dark Mound and offered to introduce them to their friends/allies at their home, The Murder Mansion. Before they left, Lathias approached them. He asked Angus to to come see him if he could, asked the party to grab a drink and talk about their adventures. Lee asked about The Guild of Izret and was given the nature of how to join and the  names of the founders. Lathias left and the party went to take Angus and Cry by the Murder Mansion.   Upon exiting the city hall the party saw four members ofPhoenix Arcania House sitting on the fountain in the courtyard. They told the party that Arthur Phoenix-Heart requested their presence. After some sporadic attempt to respond to their presence the party agreed to follow them. The party railed on one of the gladiators until they finally arrive at Arcania House. They were led to the Phoenix Hall where the party were forced in. Cinder, Arthur, and Thinabell were the only ones inside with the massive egg and brass feathers.   Date: 20th of Gorim

Character(s) interacted with

Borris Stoneshine, Aston Mart, Backin Dell, Urog Peaktop, Gregory Holt, Grigwalk Faltguy, Linfey Strider, Professor Lathias Longhorn ,Elena Bloodseeker , Silvas Brightlight, Cry, And Angus
Report Date
10 Nov 2020
Primary Location


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