Chronicles of the Realm Walkers: Session 50 Report in Ithica | World Anvil

Chronicles of the Realm Walkers: Session 50

General Summary

The Realm Walkers made their preparations to leave Kemmera. Rhy hired Ysir to assist them with Eragis and the other continued their afternoon endeavors. Ranrus received a copy of a temporary teleportation circle to their new home in Kemera from Lee-Ester. This circle could be teleported to once before it would need to be set up again and therefore their copy should be kept safe to avoid someone else teleporting to their home and them being unable to follow.
  The party went to bed waking fresh on the 23rd of Sithala and mad e their way down for breakfast in the massive main hall of Tideguard Castle. Ysir joined them shortly after and informed them he was good to join them and could head out whenever. With Lee-Ester the party arranged to have their commissioned clothes delivered to their home. They also sent payment to Bushy end the contract on their heads. He made sure to pass along the note that if they wanted off the list they would need to make friends with someone with a lot of money or power. The party started discussing travel, tracking Eragis, and how to reach the King of the Dragons before the deadline. They discussed the variety of options at their disposal, whether it be teleporting, getting the World Mirror's blessing, talking to Dragons, and even sending to the King of the Dragons.
  During this discussion of options Lee accidentally spoke Mutta's name. Instantly his body was surrounded in plume of golden flames before he collapsed to the ground; paralyzed and unconscious. The party panicked moving to do something to help as gold flames began catching across Lee's skin and clothes. Rhy tried to heal him but it had no effect. Rhy made desperate plea's to the heavens. These pleas were answered much more terrestrially .
  Rasephar strode up, kneeling down and placing a hand on Lee's forehead. The flames that had been growing stopped, lightly dancing on his skin. Rasephar, still with their hand on Lee, began calmly asked the party how he could help.
  Theren explained the situation panicking while Rhy pleaded for Rasephar to save Lee. Rasephar agreed, because they were all "friends", a statement that seemed to cause Rhy mental anguish. Rasephar passed their hand over Lee and the flames disappeared. In that same hand Rasephar produced a gold marble and gave it to Rhy, telling her "because we're friends, keep it safe". Lee's mind awakened but he was still unconscious. He was alone in a space with Maranath's Dragon form that was enveloped in purple mist.
  Ysir was dumbfounded. He attempted to help Lee but Rhy wouldn't let him near. Rasephar on the other hand wandered off as if nothing special had happened. Theren explained very quickly and poorly, the nature of the name and the effects of saying it, leading Ysir to believe any one who says Mutta would suffer these extreme consequences.
  As a part of a more detailed explanation Desmond being an antient Dragon came out and Ysir repeated the same question many others in the Underdark had, why would a Dragon be underground. During the explanation Ysir silenced Theren with his hand and asked the rest if he wanted to know what they were saying or if it was dangerous.
  In the aftermath there was a discussion as to whether they should head straight to the King and Ysir need to come along. Ranrus proposed, since they didn't have a specific location for either target, that they might split up to gather information.
  Theren attempted to send to the King of the Dragons, but failed. Rhy sent to Lord Varse and asked about Eragis. He informed Rhy Eragis had been last seen in a village south of Dark Mound called Blarnes Creek.
  The group discussed how to go about using the Maranath flower to learn how to get to the King. They planned to send Ranrus to the World Mirror to receive its blessing and then get Alison Wilson to teleport him to the House of the Realm. As Ysir contemplated the situation he mentioned his concern at leaving the Realm Walkers alone. Rhy seeing there was some sort of conclusion grabbed Ysir and dragged him to The Black Eye where she beat him up for a while before healing him and propositioning him and fading to black.
  Meanwhile Theren made their circle of teleportation and sent Ranrus to the back to the World Mirror. Shin Tio the Human member of Arlon's party provided any aid needed and upon Theren's request returned Lee to his room where Shin remained on guard.
  Ranrus went through the circle arriving at the Itharia headquarters and headed out toward the massive natural cave where the World Mirror resided. As he passed through the area the mirror turned completely gold. While Ranrus was aware the mirror would show random locations he didn't beleive anything like this had happened. He was confident with the appearance of gold and the days events, that it was unlikely the two weren't related. Bright-Star Happy Thoughts came running out brought by another member who saw the mirror flash gold. Ranrus asked about what had happened, but noted she had never heard of something like that happening. She also let Ranrus know while the mirror aided scrying, it also shielded against outside scrying. Ranrus asked if that appearance of the Mirror might be cause by someone scrying on it or someone near by to which Bright-Star could neither confirm or deny.
  With little more to be gained, Ranrus looked into the whereabouts of Alison Wilson and Bright-Star told him he could likely find her in Anthony Wilson's room. He asked another member to pass a meesage who noted Ranrus "wasn't a senior memeber" and simply walked away. Ranrus went to see Ogden who was in his lab working on two more nearly completed planar Guardians. When asked about Alison and not wanting to bother her. Ogden didn't seem to care and told him to just go talk to her since it was her job to teleport people.
  Unable to avoid going to Anthony's room Ranrus gave in and headed there. He found a tired Anthony, whos room had been taken over by books and Alison. Ranrus quickly arranged to find her in the morning to teleport to Snowbright. Afterwards Ranrus returned to his bunk in the barracks and went to sleep.
  Theren waited quietly in the hall alone until Rhy and Ysir returned. Afterwards Theren went up to lee's room trading guard duty with Shin who moved outside to guard the door. Theren waited worried until the fell asleep sitting in a chair.
  Lee woke up in the early morning. He got up, and ushered a sleepy Theren from the chair to the bed where Lee lay with them and did his best to comfort Theren through there obvious nightmares.
  Now in the waking hours of the 24th of Sithala Rhy woke to a fully dressed Ysir sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to her. When he noticed she was awake he was nervous but managed to explain he felt like he had to come with the Realm Walkers not just to deal with Eragis but also to the King of the Dragons. He was worried to let them talk with someone like the King alone, considering their track record with powerful beings. Theren had also risen early and already had the circle ready. Theren gathered Ysir and Rhy and they all with Lee went through and arrived at the mansion. Theren checked the flower and was immediately hit with the desire to ask a question. Theren gathered the others.
  At the World Mirror Ranrus checked Alison's room first. There the door was opened again by Anthony Wilson. Inside the room was a mini library where Alison quickly rushed out, giving Anthony a peck on the cheek on the way by. Alison and Ranrus went to a chamber dedicated to temporary circles. Alison, while preparing the circle, asked if Ranrus could talk to the other about setting up a permanent circle. When she finished she pushed Ranrus over the threshold and sent him on his way as she ran off because "she had studying to do".
  Back at the House of the Realm Lee was brought up to speed, and Theren was speaking a mile a minute, when Ranrus joined them.
  Rhy showed Lee the gold marble Rasephar had given her as she realized that this marble contained the flames that were burning Lee and ,if it broken, the flames would reignite on Lee.
  Theren considered feeding the marble to a mimic which would surely damage it. Rhy and Ranrus prepared a lead box placing the marble inside and hiding it in a new demi plane.
  The question for the flower was brought up again and as they tried to figure out the phrasing Theren said the King of the Dragon's name. Like Lee, Theren was wreathed in gold flames, and fell paralyzed and unconscious. Ranrus managed to dispel the flames but Theren was still dying. Rhy tried to heal Theren but only managed to stabilize them. Ranrus used lesser restoration and relive the paralysis. Theren ,stabilized and in a similar state to Lee, was moved to their Chez Lounge in the room while the others returned to trying to figure out the best way to ask their question.
  As fear of a genie like wish began to overwhelm them Lee thought on Maranath's nature, and concluded Maranath would not, if it was in his power, make an item that would answer questions in that deceiving or manipulative way. The question delved towards the concern of Theren being mentioned in the question and Maranath knowing.
  The final question was "How would a young dragon meet and find the king of the dragons in the next 20 days?", asked by Rhy.
  The answer came back for them all to hear. "Travel across the Mintar Desert into mountains, where the teeth of our King devour the sky, look for his mist, and if he wants to see you, you will be welcome... Don't go anywhere Rhy."
  Rhy waited in fear, not moving at all. Ranrus attempted to recover the seed pod but it crumbled into dry fibrous material.
  There was knock on the door of the House of the Realm and Bit'tun announced to the home a man was at the door, who Rhy told him to let in. Soon after Maranath in his human form arrived. He walked to Theren and seemingly removed the remaining visual effects of the curse on them and Lee.
  After having relived the two of all but the exhaustion they felt, Maranath turned his attention to the question Rhy had asked and demanded an explanation as to why they would ask it with all their other knowledge of the situation.
  Rhy explained that Caleroh had Yua within his reach. Unable to convince him verbally she showed him the tuning fork which changed his perception immediately. Maranath seemed visually shook at the presence of the fork. He asked the party and then seemingly Yua, "What did you do?". with no satisfactory answer Maranath turned his attention to Ysir. Maranath inspected what appeared to be a frozen Ysir, manhandling his face. Maranath didn't seem excited about Ysir's knowledge but moved on, informing those still conscious that he would leave them with the memory of how to get to the King of the Dragons. Rhy suggested there was another option but they might still need to talk to the King afterwards. Rhy plane shifted the tuning fork to it original plane. There was a moment of piece before the silence was broken by clatter and hum of a tuning fork dropping on to a desk in the room. Rhy went to collect it but before she could she was enveloped in blueish white light. Ranrus watched, this time from the outside, as Rhy became a Chosen. There was vibration that traveled through him and at the same time Ysir's body started shaking and what ever had been holding him in place seemed to release.
  Date: 22nd through to the 24th of Sithala, 1437 DC
  25 days to left in Caleroh's ultimatum.
Report Date
30 Mar 2022


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