PDRM Proactive Security Force Organization in Isaac Atomic Solar System | World Anvil
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PDRM Proactive Security Force

The Proactive Security Force is a euphemism, obviously, for the Espionage wing of the PDRM Department of Defence. They perform routine surveilance of the majority of the PDRM space, and have neumerous data collection systems and operatives operating outside it.
The standard operations of the PSF are really simple. They run a couple dozen HV-4.9 AI that are constantly scouring the interplanet, looking for anything that could suggest a security problem. Every day, dozens of potential incidents are flagged, reviewed, and then if nescessary, interviened.
The offplanet ops are a little more complex. Around 130 field officers operate throughout the solar system, managing a small pool of around 3800 agents. They mostly gather information, working in lower level jobs in various goverment departments of the UN, GGC, some of the larger earth nations, and a couple more prominent asteroids. They operate silently, are mediocre workers, and are quite good at being invisible, though not that invisible. The counter-espionage wing of the PSF is very aware of people acting too invisible, so the mind games are incredibly complex.
That wing operates with one of the largest AI known to the PDRM, a gigantic HV-5.1 to examine every single goverment operative, and every single spy, at near real time, to ensure that they are not spies
They are not succesful in that task, but they catch around 7 spies every year. Only 1 has ever been apprehended (briefly).


Headed by a SubMinister of the PDRM Department of Defence, this organization employs around 11000 people in total, mostly in roles on planet. In total, it controls around HV-5.2 worth of minds, and has access to the PDRMN if needed.
In the field, each agent is assigned to an officer who oversees the local area and operation. These officers then report back to the PSF if they find anything that needs to be passed on.
In counterespionage, every agents operates with 2 others, all of whom are constantly looking over each others backs, as well as the AI.

Public Agenda

To proactivly counter any threats to the health and safety of the Martian People


HV-5.2 worth of AI
Thousands of heavily modified human agents
Field agents are modified to appear to have normal human mods, but can rapidly shift apperance, and can more deeply effect nearby machinery.
They are also heavily backed up, and have an incredibly powerful self-termination routine (0.7 g of RDX)
Field Officers appear to be modereratly modded, but in fact have some quite ridiculous augmentations, including a laser comm unit.
Information about everything
Government, Secret Service
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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