Iron stars House of the Movement of the Spheres

House of the Movement of the Spheres


A relic found on Acastus, evidence of an ancient war.

The Greystar Combine, having recently arrived on Acastus, have already begun to send out agents to do what they do best. Gather intel.   One such agent, Adamaris Tidecaller, managed to locate the whereabouts of a previously unknown set of ruins deep in the forest of Acastus. Combine leadership eagerly dispatched a trio of agents to scout the ruins and investigate further.   During the journey the group was assaulted by an unknown force but through swift action were able to decimate the convoy of troops. Adamaris, Eisheru, and Kelvin waited to ambush any of the remaining soldiers that ventured closer to the ruins. While they dazed and confused cultists came into view they quickly retreated once fired upon and were not seen or heard from for the rest of the day.   The group entered the ruins and quickly noticed that the building was ancient and once belonged to the Slyth Empire. Murals depicted epic battles against The Fleshshapers. Upon further investigation the ruins seemed to be a mausoleum of some sorts. A burial ground for the Slyth.   Delving deeper into the ruins, the group discovered an accurate and working model of Acastus and its moons in orbit. Further exploration revealed a working terminal that could translate from Slyth to English. It was discovered that the console had been left untouched for over 600 years. The purpose of the ruins, now identified as ‘The House of the Movement of the Spheres’ was to track a phenomenon called “The Conjunction”. With fascinating new information about the ancient precursor race, the team pressed on deeper into the ruins.   The team found a storage cache that contained a unique relic. Having thoroughly explored the ruins and what it had to contain, the team left ‘The House of the Movement of the Spheres’ and returned to their helicopter. After a few repairs made by Kelvin Bell, the team returned to the Greystar Combine Ground Hab and reported their findings.

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