The Fleshshapers Organization in Iron Stars | World Anvil

The Fleshshapers

The Fleshshapers are an alien threat that had fought against the emergent Slyth empire in this section of the galaxy.   Gheist stated that the Slyth had fought them for generations, reducing them to what was believed to be extinction level. They faded into memory, then myth, then legend, a boogeyman like story for the Slyth to tell their hatchlings- though now it seems they have returned.   Silvano recently encountered a drifting Remnant cruiser wreck in deep space, its side cut open cleanly, as though by a borehole drill. Aboard, a throne of flesh was found, with a black, quivering seed like device on the seat. Using telepathy, he realized both the seed, and the throne, were shaped flesh, with the aware human minds of the ship crew inside.   Fleshchangers use a corrupted form of bioscopic power to shape flesh into machines, tools, and even vehicles provided enough organic material is available.   It has been confirmed they lay claim to a large cluster of worlds in 1N sector to the UNW.   A series of battles fought at Sumati, Haila, Acastus, and Benavides saw victories over the shaper host, but at great cost in lives and starships. Many were Pyrrhic victories with just handfuls of ships left amid fields of wreckage at battle's end. Several planets also saw Shaper battlemoons arrive in their system, to the great terror of their system defense fleets.   In October 2667, a psychic ritual to scry their home planet of Goizane was conducted between the psychics of the UNW and Greystar Confederacy. Upon confirming their presence , the Red Horizon Singularity Gun on Suha fired its second ever shot in anger, destroying the planet.   While the assebmeled Psychic conclaive did battle with the Scream Beast, the Fleshshaper's metaphysical patron, the shot punched through Goizane and shattered it to pieces. Both halves of this dangerous union were destroyed within quick sequence of one another, ending the threat for good.

3000 BC - 2668


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