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Iron Horizons

January 15, 2606

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow: Pure dieselpunk to the core, larger-than-life heroes, epic conflict, space Nazis, hidden worlds. Flight jackets, lost worlds, adventure, and two-fisted adventure.   Casablanca: Film noir, morally ambiguous characters, intense emotions and passions, defiance of tyranny and government oppression, fighting for lost causes to the end.   Captain America: The First Avenger: Anti-fascism, weird science hinting at a broader, wilder, fantastical universe. Well-worn, practical clothing of mostly organic-based sources (leather, wool, cotton), analog machinery, diesel engines, grease.   Firefly: Space western, rebel attitude, scoundrels fighting the good fight, tight character relationships.   Star Wars: Big, sprawling galaxy with epic conflict, spiritual themes, mysticism, and a sense of wonder and conflict driven by individuals against a wider sociopolitical backdrop. Epic in scope, good vs evil conflict. Gritty, dirty, lived-in world against fairy tale conflict. Holding to idealism while surviving morally murky conflict.   Star Trek: The optimism of a bold new frontier and the wonders of technology, idealism, and what happens when these crash into cultures and societies with fundamentally different values.   Crimson Skies: Aviation and pilots full of greasy glamor and Romantic sensibilities, as knights of the skies. Alternate history and outlandish aircraft designs.   Rocket Age: A world where humanity went to space in the 1930s and explored the solar system with retro-technology. Big heroics and epic tales across the stars without the luxury of the streamlined high tech of Star Trek or the superscience magic of Star Wars