Methilid the Enchanter Character in Ioral | World Anvil
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Methilid the Enchanter (Meth-il-lid)

Archmage Methilid Tiar (a.k.a. Word Binder)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the Commonwealth of Hacoal to a first Generation Oread family, Methilid’s life, from the very beginning, was mired in magic. Born already passed from this world, it was only via the interference of a strange ally to the family that allowed for Methilid to live, though from that point on they would begin to display strange abilities. Thrown toys would be coated in a strange metallic substance that hurt to touch, they would be suddenly unnaturally proficient at tasks and could even bounce back from injuries that would leave other children in long term medical care. When the day of testing came around, the Mages performing the rites did not even need to touch Methilid to gauge his magical strength.

At age six, Methilid left home to be trained in the arts of the Magi at Iarion, though unlike many of his contemporaries, Methilid did not fear leaving his family behind. Many had become unnerved around Methilid due to the strange goings on, including their family, and Methilid hoped that they would ‘get better’ wherever he was going. Notions of this would be quickly dashed upon arrival, as Methilid felt more at home around others like himself than with his family, creating close bonds with a number of other students.

Due to the slower aging of Oread Methilid found themselves spending a greater deal of time as a Novice and then Apprentice Mage than most others (save for the other Elementa), watching as his friends moved on and, in some cases, even became his instructors. Initially this annoyed Methilid, why were the others moving leaps and bounds ahead when they learnt at the same pace? This train of thought would quickly change when the great difference in aging was brought up, and the fact that Methilid would practically be able to jump ahead of other graduates upon becoming a full Mage due to their extended periods of learning.

In 159 SA, Methilid was present in the city of Hluine, alongside fellow Apprentices Ellisar and Edrym, when the Yenasian Crisis began. As the ‘so-called’ God-King Yenas began to wreak havoc across southern Ahuduir, Methilid, Ellisar and Edrym were the only ones in any position to make a difference. ‘Besides, we’re not even full members of the Charter, we haven’t sworn any major oaths yet’ was the thought that kept the trio going as they brought Yenas’s attention back to their capital. By displacing important priests out of time and strategically levelling local government buildings (once evacuated), Methilid and Co managed to bring Yenas back to Hluine, only to fall into a greater trap set by the Charter, becoming bound to their domain and being unable to expand it ever.

This Crisis was somewhat of a test for the Trio, their last test before becoming mages, which they all passed with flying colours, though it awoke something in Methilid that they did not believe was even there: a desire to fight the greatest evils in the world. By becoming a Mage of the Charter he would be bound against harming others, though if he undertook the training of the Battle Mage he could, even if in a somewhat limited capacity. By 162 SA Methilid had graduated from Battle Mage training and began service to the Charter as one of their ultimate tools of authority. In 166 SA he would spend eight months tracking down and eliminating the so-called ‘Dragon Cult’s’ of Il’Arthel, in order to prevent the final extinction of Elder Dragons. Between the years of 168-171 he would engage a series of rogue Archmages that were causing issues in Accelko, all of which he would bring to justice. In 174, alongside four other Battle Mages, Methilid would be sent to the League Dregmar to remove a cabal of Astraum Sorcerers, a battle that would see dozens dead and only one other Battle Mage survive.

When Ellisar the Evoker, nearing the status of Archmage in 178 SA, requested Methilid’s aid in the Frontier, he answered with great haste. Ellisar had discovered evidence of the Toria Mandate using Blood Magic to enslave their populace, though the Charter could not act without further evidence. Methilid took this almost as a challenge and spent a year and a half gathering evidence of the Blood Magic, returning to Iarion and presenting the evidence before the Council of Archmagi. Internal debates between the Archmages drew out the conversation for months, confusing and angering Methilid, until he decided that enough was enough. While the Council sat there debating on the course of action people were suffering greatly under the effects of the Blood Magic, so Methilid would deal with it themselves, against protocol. Using their own intel Methilid would hunt down and dominate the wills of every Blood Mage in the Mandate, collect and destroy all of their ritual documentation and break the existing spells. When he returned to Iarion with the guilty Hedge Mages he was immediately arrested and tried for his blatant disregard of the law. During this his Wytchguards were also brought in as, though they were supposed to stop this kind of action, they all believed that Methilid had not gone against his oaths and therefore had done nothing wrong in the eyes of the ‘Guard.

Ultimately the Council would decided that Methilid could not remain a Battle Mage after such a reckless action and, in early 179 SA, Methilid would be bound by the oaths of a regular Mage, and assigned to local bureaucratic work for the next decade. After his brazen actions against Toria, a new moniker for Methilid began to drift around the Charter, ‘The Enchanter’, almost mocking him, though Methilid kind of liked it. By 190 SA his punishment was finally over, and Methilid was allowed to choose his own assignments again, and would work closely with Edrym and Ellisar as they began to pour over old maps of the Melorisar, trying to locate the few remaining vaults. For his work over the years and for being the one to finally locate a lost vault, Methilid was named Archmage of the Charter and, alongside fellow Archmages Edrym and Ellisar would plan Expedition #027. He would parley with Anvil’s Mercy to gain the archaeological rights to the site, as well as with multiple Myrakel city-states for safe passage and the Uvatshian Marches for an escort through their lands. In early 195 SA the expedition would leave for Anvil’s Mercy and would arrive in the fourth month, after two months of travelling, going by mostly without a hitch. They would have until the end of the year, when summer would return, to achieve their excavation goals, and thus began their work in earnest shortly after arriving at the site.

While the expedition would discover a vault, it seemed mostly unpowered and devoid of occupants, without any automatons maintaining it nor any signs of recent life. That would change when Methilid managed to open the doors to one of the central control chambers, and found it entirely converted into some kind of alchemical laboratory, complete with stable growth vats for aberrations. Most had already died by this point, though one pod seemed stable and contained what the labelling simple called a ‘Grimoire’, though the creature appeared to be some sort of Tiefling or other kind of demon-spawn.

Without much to show for their efforts, the pod containing the Grimoire would be removed and transported back to Iarion, where the Archmage Council proceeded to throw a fit. Seemingly, they knew about this creature, as well as the laboratory, yet had not seen fit to inform the expedition before they departed, wasting everyone’s time. When Methilid suggested that they awaken Grimoire and see what kind of creature it is, the Council continued to throw a fit, stating that they and their predecessors had spent a great deal of time arguing over what to do with the creature, and had left it there while they debated.

While the Council continued to argue, Methilid, Edrym and Ellisar came together and decided that they would perform what checks they could on Grimoire, figure out what its purpose was/is, if it is sapient and if it could be reasoned with. These tests were performed without much interference, during which they discovered that Grimoire was entirely sapient, detected as Lawful Good and seemed to act as a living Spellbook for whomever created them. Seeing great potential in Grimoire, the trio would petition the Council to open the pod, which they were denied, even after presenting all evidence. So, in 223 SA, Methilid took the pod out of Hacoal and opened it in the Fifth Pillar in Kharahal, spending a few days orienting Grimoire and learning as much as they could about them, before returning to Iarion with them. Once again the Council threw a fit, but this time they got shut down by the Trio, who claimed responsibility for Grimoire, their education and well being, and in turn the Charter would benefit from secrets lost as well as a mind created for arcane understanding.

For much of the next decade Methilid would spend a great deal of time ensuring Grimoire was well kept after, often smothering them in affection, though also tasking two of their Wytchguard to keep an eye on them. As Grimoire developed and Methilid could afford to spend more and more time away, he found themselves acting as a diplomatic liaison with outside entities for the Charter. When Grimorie graduated from the Academy and was risen to the title of High Arcanist, Methilid was present at the ceremony and beaming with pride.

As of late Methilid has been attempting to resolve disputes between cabals of Chromatic and Metallic dragons on Il’Arthel, trying to avoid a Dragon War. This has come to a halt as Grimoire has been accused of high treason, and Methilid has returned to Il’Arthel as their defence.


Methilid was trained by the Charter's Mage Academy as well as their Battle Mage School, though often touts that most of their education was self-taught.


Methilid has always worked for the Mage's Charter, though at various ranks

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Aided in resolving the Yenasian Crisis
  • Brought the Dragon Cult's of Il'Arthel to justice
  • Apprehended the rogue Archmages of Accelko
  • Survived the Battle of Dregmar, eliminating multiple hostile Astraum Sorcerers
  • Uncovered the truth of the Torian Blood Mages, dominated all of them and brought them back to Iarion for punishment
  • Aided in orchestration of Expedition #027
  • Released Grimoire of the Charter against the wishes of the Archmage's Council
  • Is widely known in the Charter for their disregard of the Archmage's Council

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Failed to return to their birth family
  • Failed to maintain friendly bonds with many of their early friends
  • Failed to keep all of their Wytchguard alive during the Battle of Dregmar
  • Failed to properly investigate what the Charter already knew about Expedition #027

Intellectual Characteristics

Methilid is pretty much the epitome of Chaotic Good, as they see what must be done to set things right in the world, and do not care for laws. This is most obvious in their treatment of those they hold close, as Methilid is very much ready to drop everything to aid their loved ones, even at the expense of others.
Current Status
Presiding over the Defence of 'The Charter vs Grimoire of the Charter'
Current Location
Date of Birth
16/8/100 SA
Pale Amethyst
Long, purple crystaline filliments (look like dreads)
Aligned Organization


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