Feno Character in Ioral | World Anvil
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Feno (Fee-no)

Grandmaster Feno Elaris

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Much like Teirin, Tsuarinax and a number of his other siblings, Feno was a member of TBA during the Crusade of Bronze & Bone, and supported his siblings with heavy blasts of lightning during their travels. Much like many of them, Feno was also blessed with a divine gift from his adopted father turned legend, Illithor Elaris, which enabled him to develop mythical abilities and become one of the seven Elaris Legends.

Feno did not start at these heights, as he, like most people, was once a young child incapable of much, though he was granted the luxury of being raised by Illithor Elaris, Hero of Uth’vash and adventurer extraordinaire, and was brought up on the Elaris Estate. While his father would go out and spend months searching for other children in need of his care, Feno and his siblings would be raised by Vine of Winter, a Ghoran who had close ties to Illithor. While some of the older children respected Vine of Winter, most did not see her as a mother like Feno did, and the two would develop a very close bond over the years.

Eventually, however, life changed for young Feno, as he began to exhibit the abilities of areokinesis, power that could very well destroy the young man if he was not trained. Using his connections and out of a deep love for his son, Illithor contacted the School Voltae, a monastic order of areokinetics located relatively nearby, in order to get Feno the training he needed. When the monks responded and one arrived to evaluate the child, the monk came to the conclusion that he would need years of training to reign in his potential power. Seeing this as an opportunity to develop his abilities, as well as a way of possibly adventuring like some of his older siblings, Feno left with the monks and travelled to Mount Elsardav, where the School Voltae was located upon.

Here Feno would spend the remainder of his adolescence, being trained to reign in his powers, though the young man found that the training suited him and, upon passing the Trials of Control, Feno decided to continue his training, though not without a visit back home to his family. After this short holiday, Feno returned to his training in earnest, eventually being inducted into the Voltae as a full member.

After he became a full member of the Voltae, Feno continued to seek ways to develop his powers, and spent a great deal of time conversing with the various masters of the Voltae, trying to understand their philosophies on their abilities, its origin and nature, though he ultimately struggle with understanding much of what they said. The core tenants of their understanding of Areokinesis remained, however, as all the masters agreed that there was some kind of hole within their metaphysical being that directly connected them to the Plane of Air. Traditionally, more powerful individuals would have larger holes connecting them to the Plane of Air, though this also came with great risk, so many masters would try and open many smaller holes for the same effect with less risk. Feno struggled with this aspect of their philosophies, though a new path to greater power presented itself when Feno learned that other Schools of the Elementa existed.

Figuring that, if he was able to understand other elements and the other School’s philosophies, maybe Feno could gain more power safely, or safer than ripping a larger hole between the planes. This revelation came shortly before he received the summons to return home, as his father was dying, a summons he answered with great haste. The events that followed his return home would lead Feno across Western Ahuduir, to the great city of Sinaes before its fall, to the choked lands of Aion and deep into the Great Desert.

During his travels, Feno would witness the death of his older brother Anellor during what was supposed to be a simple battle clearing out a watering hole, and this lose shook him deeply. While Anellor and Feno were never super close, seeing someone he had looked up to in prior years get bisected by a Jepun Orca is something no-one should have to deal with. While some of his other siblings did not seem all that affected by Anellors death, it seemed to strike a chord in Feno that would continue to resonate for the rest of his life.

While some might consider the ‘Legend’ of the Elaris Seven to start at the Battle of Sinaes, where they held off the War-Swarm for long enough that all remaining citizens were evacuated, it was shortly after the battle where the Seven would split up to pursue their own goals. Teirin would return to the Ashlands to modernize the Hammer of Aion and ultimately be made Lord Protector of the Anvil, Vylfaen would return to her wanderings as a priest of Qhymos, Gnarl went and helped leader the Sireans to their new home, Xanustair went mad and became the Mad Legend Tsuarinax and, well, Feno decided to seek out the other schools for their knowledge. Initially Feno would wander with his sibling Fel, as they searched for the School Aquae, given that Fel had previously actually been to the School, though briefly. Between the continents of Orhindur, Ahuduir and Kalogir is a small, rocky island that appears more as a collection of rocky outcroppings that poke out of the tempestuous seas and, upon these outcroppings are hidden entrances to the School Aquae. In the areas above sea level are small tunnels and rooms where hopefuls train their powers, so that they can brave the layers beneath and reach the school proper.

Feno would spend a good few months here, learning the Aquae’s Path of Least Resistance, as well as coming to understand the origin of their power. For the Aquae, their power feels more like a reservoir within their bodies, being fed by a weak stream. They can reach upstream and release more power but, if their reservoir overflows their bodies are very likely to be destroyed. Surprisingly, the School Aquae’s Path of Least Resistance was similar something that the School Voltae had also taught, though not the morals behind it.

After this, Feno would feel a small trickle of something within his being, similar to the flame he found within himself, and he knew that his time with the School Aquae was over. Feno would leave and return to Mount Elsardav, as he had absolutely no idea where to search for the other Elementa Schools, and perhaps the masters knew. Upon returning, Feno found that he was dissatisfied with the teachings of the Voltae, as his wanderings had opened Feno’s mind up to many new trains of thought and philosophies. Argument after argument with the Masters would ensue, as many now saw Feno as something else than an Voltae, tainted by the teachings of other elements. This would prevent Feno from questioning them about the other school’s locations, and he decided that he would have to resort to other methods. Returning to the road as an adventurer, Feno would venture to his siblings and ask them to put feelers out for him, while he would wander with Vylfaen across the continent. During this time the duo would defeat many dangerous monsters and aid many small communities, though they would also being to see the changes and world that Oswald had sought for so long, with adventurers replacing state-funded armies. During the beginning of this so called Long Peace, Feno and Vylfaen would come across agents of the Order of the Binds, the so-called School Aether. Initially hostile to the duo, these agents would quickly change their tune upon learning that Feno also had the ability to harness aether, meaning that he was a ‘long lost brother’ of the Order.

Parting ways to learn from this School, despite his ability to already control aether, Feno would become partially indoctrinated into their warped school of thought, that the Order had to guard the Anchors of the world and force all Aetherkinetics into service, as it was their destiny. Feno would lose two decades to the Order, as he fell down the rabbit hole of their indoctrination, though eventually, on a mission gone wrong, Feno would snap out of the haze he had been in, and realized what had happened. Feno felt a burning rage within him, stoking the flame within, whenever he thought of what the Order had done to him, and a desire for vengeance. The only thing keeping him from acting upon his desire for revenge was his decades of training in the other Schools, though he was still going to try and hamper the Order’s operations. With some help from other former members of the Order of the Binds, as well as other Aetherkinetics seeking refuge from the Order, Feno would wage a sort of war against the Order, not to destroy the Anchors, but to undermine their power and control. Feno and his new Order of the Forge would wage this war for nearly two decades before Feno was called away to deal with Tsuarinax, as Vylfaen had finally located him again.

Once again standing alongside Gnarl, Teirin and Vylfaen in 36 SA, Feno felt something that he had been missing, and that was his family. While he had returned home every five years or so to spend time with them, as they had agreed, Feno hadn’t fought alongside any of his siblings in two decades, and felt almost like it was the good old days of their adventures. The fight against Tsuarinax went poorly, as the Mad Legend had somehow gained the ability to conjure a large number of Demons to fight for him, providing him an easy army whenever he needed. This ability was unknown to the four siblings and, despite their own prowess, they were unable to capture or eliminate Tsuarinax.

After this battle, Feno would return to the Order of the Forge, though his mind began to wander away from this war, and towards something more peaceful. Deciding that enough was enough, Feno lured the Order of the Binds into a pitched battle in 39 SA, where they were defeated by a joint force of the Order of the Forge and Hammers of Aion, on loan from Teirin as he felt that the Hammers needed conflict to truly be forged into the weapons of Aion. After the battle, Feno dictated the terms of their surrender, that the Order of the Binds would continue to exist, though they would not be allowed to conscript any Aetherkinetics into their ranks, nor would their indoctrination be allowed any further. Under these conditions, the Order would have to recruit new members from graduates of the School Aether, a new Elementa School formed from the Order of the Forge.

For the next decade Feno would serve as a master in the School Aether, making sure that the Order of the Binds remained outside of the organisation, as well as ensuring that open-minded Masters would lead the School once he left. In 50 SA Feno would step down as a Mater of the School Aether, and would once again return to the School Voltae, and undergo the Trials of the Master. Shortly thereafter, in early 51 SA, Feno would be named a master of the School Voltae, and would guide many of the young initiates through his new philosophies, forged through decades of strife and learning. These philosophies would mean that Feno no longer stood as a proponent of the ‘Touching the Source’ ritual, seeing it as incredibly dangerous, something that he would be proved right in only a few years later.

During the summer of 56 SA, a young initiate would enter into the Touching the Source ritual fully of excitement and wonder, and would never leave, as their connection to the Plane of Air was much too unstable and larger than any previous initiate. Upon being struck by a Master with a powerful bolt of lightning, the initiate’s connection to the Plane of Air would enter into a feedback loop, where power would come through, not leave the initiate’s body and return to the ‘hole’, widening it. Due to how small this connection is for most initiates, this feedback loop is easy to reign in though, for this initiate, their connection was multiple times stronger than any other, and the feedback loop was too strong for them to break. As the hole to the Plane of Air began to tear the initiate apart, Feno and his disciples would attempt to save the initiate by drawing the power away from the initiate’s body and into their own, though by the time this was started, it was already too late.

Seeing no other option, Feno would instruct his disciples to draw the energy into themselves and then redirect it into him, as Feno could handle this amount of energy, no-one else present could. Using all he had learnt, Feno would cast the energy sent into his body either back into the Plane of Air or harmlessly through his body and into the ground. This method seemed to lessen the build up of power in the initiate, though as Feno began to attempt to create an aetheric connection between them, he could feel that the Initiate’s connection to the Plane of Air was already double Feno’s own, and still growing. Using his aetheric connection, Feno asked the initiate how they were doing, if they were in pain, to which they responded with ‘Please, kill me’. With no other strong enough masters present, and with no other recourse to fall upon, Feno obliged, breaking the neck of the initiate with a telekinetic attack, instantly killing them. While this mercy would end the threat of an ever expanding hole into the Plane of Air, it also abruptly ended the concentration of the Initiate, who was trying to hold back a great deal of energy that was being released into the area.

With a loud bang, the largest lightning strike ever would hit the Temple Voltae, causing major damage, killing a few Voltae and wounding many others. In the investigation that followed, many masters would blame Feno for his inability to resolve the situation and claim that he was using it as a way to alter their traditional ritual, to which Feno responded with uncharacteristic anger. Where were these so-called masters when the School needed them most? Why was he left alone to deal with the situation? And why were they so interested in pinning the blame on someone when their people died? What was this helping, to put the blame on him? In an impassioned speech following this outburst, Feno would dictate the he no longer would be following the teachings of the Voltae as had been taught to him, as obviously they were no longer safe enough to practice. He would add that if the assembled Masters here had any sense left in their lightning-addled minds, they would investigate the actual causes of the feedback loop and prevent it from happening again, instead of conducting a witch-hunt.

After this, Feno would storm from the Master’s chamber, gather his few affects and disciples, and leave the School, heading to the Cracked Peak, where the School Voltae was initially taught. Up here Feno would continue to teach his disciples and others who came to learn, requiring only offerings of beer and cheese. In the following years Feno’s rage would subside, and his presence would be request back at the School, though he wound refuse these requests. Eventually, when he finally received information on the location of the Academy of Wood & Null, Feno would descend the mountain and stop by the School Voltae, to see that it had undergone many changes since he was last there. Many of the former masters who had tried to pin the blame on him had been replaced and the teachings of the School much resembled that of his own, as multiple of Feno’s own disciples had been granted the rank of master and sat upon the council.

Finding an entrance to the Academy proved to be quite easy for Feno once he was given the rough area to search, though once he was inside Feno found it quite difficult to convince the members of the Academy to instruct him in their teachings and philosophies. Eventually, Feno was removed from the Academy grounds and forbidden from returning, as he kept finding new entrances when removed, though he was still keen on learning their teachings. Word of an Aerokinetic trying to learn their ways reached a former student of the Academy, who reached out and offered to teach Feno. Accepting this, Feno would travel across Ahuduir to the Empire of Kabrol and spend a year learning from this former student, who was actually a Voidkineticist. It was explained to Feno that the Academy existed to guide Voidkinetics away from abusing their power, and train Woodkinetics to subdue those that do.

What the Academy didn’t do, however, was guide Woodkinetics away from abusing their power, which a faction within the Academy had begun doing. They would hunt down those rogue Voidkinetics and brutally beat them before returning them to the academy.

Feno has never liked bullies, and would have loved to teach those abusing their power a lesson, but that was not why he was here, and the days of fighting a hidden war against a group he disliked were behind him. Instead, Feno would begin to search for the School Terrae, a journey that would take years, though it would be interrupted by a small coupe he led in Mosfel, as Feno found that he disliked the inequality present. In 68 SA, Feno would reactivate an ancient automaton that would defeat the Torian occupation forces and governor, freeing the town. Remaining for only a short time in order to prevent total chaos in the wake of a power vacuum, Feno would leave soon after to continue his search.

In late 69 SA, Feno would receive good intelligence that the School Terrae was located in the Great Range’s northern edges and began to prepare an expedition, though this was cut short in 70 SA when the Long Peace came to a sudden and violent end. When the adventurers were defeated and the Empire of Kalbrol began to lose vast swaths of territory, Feno could not stand idly by and wait for the Qivdaram to attack the School Aether or the School Voltae. While many of the other masters considered this a problem for the East, Feno once again could not stand bullies, and called upon both the School Voltae and the School Aether to arms, for volunteers to join him in standing against he Qivdaram. Responding to this call were three dozen Aerokinetics and Aetherkinetics, ready to stand against evil, as their master had taught them.

Determined to by the others some time, this small army would travel to the eastern Range and hold the various passes against the Qivdaram, often swooping in last minute to save refugees and retreating militias. While this would only slow the Qivdaram down so much, it proved to be a pain in their side for logistics, as all of their supplies had to come from Ghizgyl. In 72 SA, as the Qivdaram were being pushed back across the range, small pockets of survivors from the East were found, in small mountain fortresses that seemed to have been sieged on and off again for years. Each one would tell tales of heroes on the wind, appearing when they needed them most, saving their lives and leading them to safety. Many of these tales would include a grey-skinned goblin with tufts of grey hair pouring from his ears and a great beard around his mouth, remaining behind as he called down the very heavens upon the invaders.

When asked if they had a name, most would say they were just concerned citizens doing their part against the Qivdaram, though many of those that they saved refused to take this for an answer. Eventually Feno would call them the ‘Path Seldom Tread’, a name which would stick as the few thousand they saved spread tales of wonder and self-sacrifice back across West. These tales would eventually reach the School Terrae who, upon learning how stubbornly Feno resisted the invasion, much akin to their own teachings, offered him to come and learn their ways, an invitation Feno could hardly resist.

As his legend would spread across the East as some sort of mythical saviour, Feno would venture to the School Terrae, an ever-moving location that would remain somewhere between the Underdark and the surface. Feno would learn here many things, such as the Path of Most Resistance, though also that ever the tallest mountain wilts with rain, that no matter how powerful anyone or anything is, all can be brought low with time. While Feno had never been too worried about dying or the march of time, these teachings were something that reinforced his own beliefs, as he had seen so many traditions and old orders usurped and replaced in his lifetime.

After leaving the School Terrae, Feno would call for a joint meeting of the masters of both the School Voltae and School Aether. At this meeting he said many things, waxed on about his various journeys and experiences, and came to the conclusion that the Elementa should be doing more for the people of the world than sitting in their Schools and gaining power. He used the examples of the Order of the Binds and the Academy of Wood & Null as what they must avoid becoming, and used the Path Seldom Tread as what they should be. Feno concluded that the Schools needed to be merged together and work towards the protection and betterment of the people of the world, and not as isolated locations to grow power. Their current locations would remain as places where students could go to learn about each power, though a central location would be needed where the masters could meet and where their operations could be conducted out of.

Adopting the name his small force used in the Qivdaram invasion, this new organization would be named the Path Seldom Tread, whose members were dedicated in protecting the people of the world, for free. In some areas they would find that local governments would despise them and attempt to end their operations, though in the East, where their legend had already spread, the people would cheer and hold those that walk the path up high. This near reverence towards those that walk the Path Seldom Tread has gotten to the point where the locals will often send young hopefuls to the Path in order to learn from them, with shrines and temples to the Path dedicated all across the eastern coast.

Feno has spent most of his time since 75 SA running the Path Seldom Tread, resolving disputes and ensuring that the Schools remain as one. While he might not approve of the near worship the Path receives, he cannot deny that the offerings of quality Cheese and Bear are appreciated.


Feno has been trained at all of the Elementa Schools, and has a deep understanding of each one's philosophy and how they perceive their connection to the elemental planes.


Feno has been a member of the following organizations:
  • School Voltae
  • Adventuring Party TBA
  • School Aquae
  • Order of the Binds
  • School Aether
  • Path Seldom Tread (original incarnation)
  • School Terrae
  • Path Seldom Tread (current incarnation)

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Took part in defeating Qinen Elaris, the last of the Melorisar Guardians
  • Member of TBA
  • Achieved Legend Status
  • Fought in the Battle of Silon (victor)
  • Fought in the Battle of Sinaes (victor)
  • Gathered teachings of all Elementa Schools in one location
  • Defeated the Order of the Binds and reformed it
  • Established the School Aether
  • Founded and led the first incarnation of the Path Seldom Tread during the Qivdaram Invasion, saved thousands of lives
  • Merged the School Voltae and School Aether together into a new incarnation of the Path Seldom Tread

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Fought against Tsuarinax (lost)
  • Unable to prevent the disaster at School Voltae
  • Fell into Order of Binds indoctrination

Mental Trauma

  • Death of Anellor
  • Indoctrination of Order of the Binds
  • Seeing Xanustair lose his mind and become Tsuarinax
  • Horrors of War during the Qivdaram Invasion

Morality & Philosophy

Feno believes deeply in the fact that no matter one's mastery over anything, there is always room for growth and progress. he personally does not see the point in bragging about any of his own achievements, as he always sees them as small things, despite their size in some cases.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Beer
  • Cheese


  • Bullies



Adopted Brother (Important)

Towards Teirin




Adopted Brother (Important)

Towards Feno




Adopted Brother (Trivial)

Towards Tsuarinax




Adopted Brother (Vital)

Towards Feno




Adopted Sister (Important)

Towards Feno




Adopted Brother (Important)

Towards Vylfaen



Ahmiri Elaris

Adopted Sister (Vital)

Towards Feno




Adopted Brother (Important)

Towards Ahmiri Elaris



Current Status
Date of Birth
1843 LS
Teirin (Adopted Brother)
Tsuarinax (Adopted Brother)
Vylfaen (Adopted Sister)
Bald, grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey with a slight green tinge
None (Searching for faith)
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Ignan
  • Sylvan
  • Auran


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