Ajurow Ethnicity in Ioral | World Anvil
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Ajurow (Ag-oor-oh)


Average technological level

The Ajurow are somewhere between the Renaissance and Industrialization in terms of technology, they have factories that produce goods to export, but lack many of the fundamental technologies that dominated that equivalence period in Earth's history, such as gunpowder.

Common Etiquette rules

For the Ajurow, emotions are for behind closed doors, as is flowery language, for they believe in direct communication in all things of import. This means that, to most people, the Ajurow seem like monotone, blunt individuals that do not grasp the intricacies of conversation and, to a point they are right. In the Ashlands a few seconds could mean the difference between life or death, so unless they are behind safe closed doors most Ajurow do not feel comfortable in expressing deep emotions or talking in circles.

Common Dress code

There are a few distinct differences in dress code depending on region in the Ashlands, with a handful of different primary materials. These regions are broke up into three large areas, followed by biome-specific variances.

The first region is known as Submount, all the lands on Ahuduir south of Mount Nouripo, where the majority of Golden Grasslands are, leading to a prevalence of Aurserm fabrics in their clothing. North of Submount is the Crestmount, a mostly costal region containing the large Ashwastes of Ahuduir and the largest of the Karoshim lands. Crestmount, while containing the same biomes as Submount, is relatively isolated in comparison to Submount and as such utilize a weave of Aurserm and Caerulite, giving the locals a blue-gold colour to their clothing. Lastly, west of Mount Nouripo on the eastern shores of Orhindur is the Ashlight, where the abundance of Aurserm and Virifan leads the locals to wear a weave utilizing the two, giving their clothing a distinctive green-gold colouration.

All Ajurow clothing contains a hood with a built-in mask to protect them in case of Ashfall or an Ashstorm. This mask is either a solid piece of worked material with a vent of Smouldersilk or an entirely Smouldersilk sheet. Both work just as well as each other, however a recent trend has shifted favour to the solid masks.

The Firefields call for flame-retardant clothing, and as such the local Ajurow make great usage of Smouldersilk from the local Torchbugs, which do not burn and instead seem to hold flame for a time. This has led to Firefielders wearing loose robes of Smouldersilk, either weaved in with their regional materials or as an outer layer atop other clothing.

Over in the Ashwoods, those that live outside the safety of the Seynar tend to wear their clothing underneath a suit of chitinous plates, to which they attach all manner of tools and equipment for navigating the dark understories. Within the Seynar clothing tends to be form fitting with additional pieces added for occupation specific needs, such as a leather apron for smiths. Virifan tends to be widely used here, given its abundance and flexibility, though it is often weaved with small patterns using their regional materials.

Out on the open Golden & Arid Grasslands, Aurserm is the dominant material, though it is most often weaved with Smouldersilk, Virifan or Caerulite, depending on the region. Additionally, Aurserm holds dye incredibly well, leading to the large poncho’s worn in on the fields to have dazzling patterns.

For the aristocrats and their retinues navigating the harsh terrain of the Ashwastes, nothing beats a solid Smouldersilk mask with Cinaed robes, to keep out the ash and blend in enough with the terrain so that the few local fauna don’t come charging in. This gives them an otherworldly look, however, as the orange masks with ash-grey cloaks billowing in the wind tend to mask their forms.

Art & Architecture

As with all things, Ajurow architecture varies depending on the local biome, as the Ashlands has some very harsh weather patterns. In all cities Lightning Rods are placed at the tallest points in order to keep damage from Ash Storms at a minimum, with some purpose built towers around the city being placed to catch the most lightning. In the Firefields settlements are built upon raised ground, usually 30-50ft above the ground, with tall, thick magma-stone walls, in order to keep the city safe from the Firestorms that frequently ravage the lowlands. Over in the Ashwoods, settlements are usually either the Seyanr trees, cities within purpose-grown trees, burrowed under tall trees or in the bright, somewhat safer canopy. For those in the Grasslands, settlements vary wildly, from cities dug into the dirt to stone fortresses, though all have protective moats and walls, due to the territorial local fauna.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a child is born to the Ajurow, they are given a brand representing a mountain, specifically Mount Nouripo, which then has ash rubbed into it. This process is painful to the child, though not as much as other children due to their innate resistance to flame. This tradition is done to mark the child as a descendant of the mountain and the city that once existed there, as well as to always remind them of where their god is.

Historical figures

Anri - The First Hammer

The first Paladin of Aion and his longest running friend, Anri led the armies of Aion in their defence of the Ashlands against foreign invasion, time and time again for decades until the Ashlands reached their current size. Wielder of the Brandhammer and the first Ashlander Legend, Anri reincarnates every few centuries, to the dismay of the aristocracy, due to her habit of not listening to them and causing major upheaval in the Ajurow culture.

Teirin Elaris - Lord Protector of the Anvil

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Adopted son to the Legend Ilithor Elaris, Teirin Elaris has spent the better part of the last few centuries reorganizing the Hammer of Aion into one of the most effective military forces on Ahuduir, perhaps even the world. He has led the armies of the Anvil against invaders to their lands and against the Qivdaram during their invasion, both times displaying his martial prowess not only in his commanding ability, but also when he took to the field personally. Rumour has it that Teirin has achieved Legend status, though the man himself refuses to confirm or deny

Major organizations

The Hammer of Aion
Scions of the Core
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Locations


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