Shilizal Species in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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The Shilizal are a saurian species, known to humans as Guardians. Shilizal are proud and intelligent warriors native to Shalita, and are revered for their exceptional combat skills and tactical prowess. The Shilizal are a force to be reckoned with, and their military might has been the backbone of the Hivivian Empire for countless centuries.   In battle, the Shilizal are a force to be feared. Their combat skills are honed to perfection, and their tactical abilities are unmatched. They are skilled in both close combat and ranged attacks, and their strength and agility make them formidable opponents. The Shilizal are not only skilled warriors but also excellent tacticians, able to analyze and adapt to any situation on the battlefield. Despite their fearsome reputation, the Shilizal are a species with a strong sense of honor and respect. They value their traditions and customs, and their society is built on a foundation of respect and loyalty. However, their rivalry with the Becceorian is well-known, and the two species have a long-standing history of conflict.


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Anatomy and physiology

The Shilizal are a large, bipedal species. They range in height from 2.25 to 2.62 meters (7.38 to 8.6 feet). Their arms and legs are muscular and powerful, and their hands are tetradactyl, each having two fingers in the middle and an opposing thumb on either side. The head of a Shilizal is triangular in shape and is equipped with a prominent crest of spines that runs from the head down to the back. A Shilizal's face is elongated, with a pointed snout and a set of sharp, serrated teeth.   Their legs are digitigrade, with short upper and lower legs, and elongated tarsals, using the distal and intermediate phalanges to support their weight when walking. This arrangement possibly allows them to run very quickly and jump large distances, compared to ordinary humans and other Hivivian races. Their superior agility may also be attributed to their homeworld's higher gravity; the additional strength required to move normally in a high-gravity environment would likely cause them to be more powerful in lower gravity situations (though, curiously, their tall, large, and lean figure would be extremely disadvantageous and impractical on a high-gravity planet—an arrangement possibly allowed by other major factors in their biology and life cycles; alternatively, the impressive strength and agility may be the result of the capabilities of their standard-issue combat armor).   Their eyes are yellow or orange in color, though some have been known to have green or blue eyes as well. The Shilizal's skin is scaly and usually gray or brown in coloration but can vary depending on their region or home-planet. The Shilizal also possess an impressive sense of smell which aids them greatly when hunting or locating prey.


The Shilizal have a unique genetic makeup, possessing characteristics that contribute to their physical attributes and sensory abilities. Their genome is highly adaptable, enabling them to thrive in diverse environments. What sets them apart is an intriguing blend of reptilian and avian ancestry. The Shilizal's genetic composition plays a crucial role in their powerful physical build. Their highly adaptive genome allows for genetic expressions that facilitate their overall fitness and resilience. This adaptability is believed to have played a significant role in their ability to conquer a wide range of habitats.   Notably, the Shilizal's DNA shows distinct markers of both reptilian and avian lineage. The presence of these markers suggests that they may have evolved from a species that occupied both terrestrial and aerial environments. While they lack wings and feathers, the remnants of this dual lineage can still be observed in their genetic makeup. Despite their avian lineage, the Shilizal bear a closer resemblance to lizards in terms of physical appearance. They lack the wings and feathers typically associated with aerial creatures, instead showcasing a sturdy, lizard-like physique.   The Shilizal's impressive sensory abilities further showcase the effects of their unique genetics. Their heightened sense of sight, hearing, and smell enables them to excel in their chosen environments. These sensory enhancements might be a result of the genetic interplay between their reptilian and avian ancestry. By harnessing the advantageous traits from both lineages, the Shilizal have evolved into remarkable creatures capable of thriving in a wide range of habitats.

Life cycle

Shilizal are oviparous, meaning that they lay eggs rather than giving live birth. Females of the species are slightly larger than males and are responsible for laying and incubating the eggs. Once laid, the eggs are left by the female to hatch on their own. This may seem unconventional to other races, but it's a natural instinct of the Shilizal. The newborn Shilizal emerge from their eggs equipped with sharp teeth and claws, enabling them to fend for themselves from a very young age. These traits are essential for their survival and allow them to adapt quickly to their environment.   As young Shilizal grow, they go through a rapid physical development, usually reaching maturity by the age of 5. At this point, they are considered adults and are capable of engaging in mating by the time they turn 12. Shilizal mature at an accelerated rate compared to other species. Furthermore, as they age, the Shilizal's scales becomes tougher and more resistant to damage. This adaptation provides them with increased protection in battle and ensures their longevity. Not only that, but their senses also become more acute with age. This heightened sensory perception gives them an edge in their surroundings, making them exceptional hunters or military service personnel.


Shilizal are carnivorous with a diet primarily consisting of small animals. However, astonishing as it may sound, these beings are occasionally known to prey upon other sentient beings. Their consumption mainly revolves around raw meat, although they have managed to adapt to cooked meat in recent times. Thanks to an extraordinary sense of smell, Shilizal are highly skillful hunters, capable of effortlessly tracking down their prey and ensuring successful hunts.   The Shilizal's preference for raw meat stems from their natural instincts, which have evolved over the course of their existence. Consuming raw meat provides them with essential nutrients, proteins, and fats in their natural unaltered state. It fuels their bodies, enabling them to sustain their high activity levels and maintain optimal functioning.   Drawing on their formidable olfactory prowess, the Shilizal's hunting techniques are exceptionally efficient. They leverage their heightened senses to identify the trails left behind by their prey, following their distinct scents with unwavering determination. This tracking ability, combined with their agile and swift nature, allows them to hunt down their targets swiftly and effectively, making them formidable predators in their natural habitat.

Biological variation

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Psychology and intelligence

The Shilizal possess an innate intelligence and resourcefulness that is evident in their ability to adapt to different environments. They are a fiercely independent species, but also highly social, with tight-knit family units and a strong sense of community. Their psychology is deeply influenced by their physical prowess and they take pride in their hunting and military service, often engaging in friendly rivalries and competitions to demonstrate their skills.   However, this pride can sometimes lead to arrogance and a tendency towards violent behavior. The Shilizal have a history of conquest and colonization, though their expansionist tendencies have been tempered in recent times by a growing sense of respect and acknowledgement of other sentient beings.


Shilizal culture puts a high value on physical strength, discipline, and military prowess, and commonly shares many similarities with warrior societies on Earth, such as ancient Sparta and the Japanese Bushido code. Shilizal are trained from a young age to be excellent fighters and to develop survival skills. The Shilizal way of living is centered around combat, and it is evident in their daily routines and social structures. Physical strength is highly valued in the Shilizal society. Their training methods are intense and rigorous. Shilizal children are taught hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, and survival skills. Shilizal warriors have to endure a lot of physical challenges, such as long-distance marches and treks over rough terrain. The goal is to develop their endurance and strength, making them capable and fierce warriors.   Discipline is another essential aspect of the Shilizal culture. The warriors live a very structured life, starting with their training regimes, which are highly organized. Warriors are responsible for their own cleanliness and weapon care, ensuring there is no fault in their equipment. The use of harsh physical punishment is not uncommon in Shilizal culture, which is intended to instill discipline and obedience. Military prowess is paramount to the Shilizal. Their warrior culture values bravery, loyalty, and warrior spirit over anything else. Shilizal warriors are expected to be fearless and honorable in battle, showing no fear of death.

Sense of honor

The Shilizal display respect and admiration for honorable fighters, whether they are allies of the Shilizal or not. It is common for the Shilizal to have such an admiration for their adversaries. Shilizal respect and revere veterans and often follow their lead. Their history is rife with victorious combatants welcoming the defeated enemies' remaining forces into their own arms, provided of course that they fought with honor. During the Gnimgian Rebellion, the most tenacious of the Gnimgian who survived the conflict were admitted for the first time into previously all-Shilizal forces, much to the Shalgan's discontent.   The Shilizal code of honor appears quite similar to Japanese Bushido, sharing concepts such as skill in combat (with an emphasis on swordsmanship), loyalty to master and family/clan, and views on death. Both systems promote death in battle as being the most honorable and proper way to die. If a warrior is critically injured, incapacitated, or captured, the only acceptable recourse is to commit ritualistic suicide, ensuring one's honor is kept intact. This is of such importance to Shilizal warriors that if they are incapable of killing themselves, they might request the assistance of their fellow Shilizal in doing so.

The arts and architecture

Although the Shilizal are known for their emphasis on physical strength and military prowess, they possess a surprising appreciation and value for the arts. Contrary to popular belief, many Shilizal warriors showcase their artistic talents as skilled artists and stone masons. In fact, the art they produce often embodies their love for honor and strength, predominantly depicting scenes of battle or heroic deeds. Moreover, the Shilizal's architectural style is a true reflection of their values. While their primary concern lies in functionality and fortification, they manage to incorporate elements of beauty into their structures. The walls surrounding their cities are particularly noteworthy, as they possess an imposing thickness that aims to deter potential threats. These strong fortifications are further reinforced by defensive towers and battlements lining the perimeter, demonstrating the Shilizal's unwavering commitment to defending their territories.   However, it is the intricate carvings and patterns adorning their buildings that truly set the Shilizal architecture apart. Despite the emphasis on strength and military might, the Shilizal people find ways to infuse an artistic touch, adding a sense of beauty to their surroundings. These detailed carvings serve as a testament to their appreciation for aesthetics, enhancing the overall visual appeal of their structures.

Tools and technologies

Shilizal technology is known for being quite advanced, although not as advanced as their Shalgan allies. Nevertheless, the Shilizal have made significant strides in developing impressive tools and technologies that greatly enhance various aspects of life. Among their remarkable inventions, the most noteworthy is the plasma sword, a technology that sets the Shilizal apart from other Hivivian races.   The plasma sword is a distinctive weapon, characterized by its double-edged, one-handed design. It operates by harnessing a powerful energy source to create a blade composed of ionized gas when activated. This process results in a magnificent and fearsome weapon that exhibits unparalleled cutting capabilities. One of the staggering features of the plasma sword is its ability to effortlessly slice through nearly any material. Its exceptional cutting power enables it to swiftly penetrate solid objects, leaving a trail of precision and efficiency in combat. The plasma sword's effectiveness as a weapon is highlighted by its capacity to confront and defeat formidable opponents with ease.   Plasma sword exemplify the Shilizal's technological prowess, however, it is not the sole embodiment of their advancements. The Shilizal have also made significant progress in other areas, such as communication networks, agriculture, and medical technology, though these achievements pale in comparison to Hivivian technology developed by the Shalgan.

Religion and spirituality

Little is known of the Shilizal’s religious beliefs, but it is believed that they are polytheistic and worship many gods and goddesses. Their religion centers around strength, honor, and combat. Many gods embody these values, such as Glintar-Golgotha, the god of war, or Kali-Kadanu, the goddess of victory.   The Shilizal also strongly value spiritualism. They believe that everything has a spirit which can be tapped into for guidance and strength. Rituals to commune with the spirit world are sometimes held in order to better understand their own nature or even gain insight into battle plans and strategies. Contacting ancestors for guidance is also common among the Shilizal, as they believe that their ancestors can provide wisdom in difficult times.

Science and philosophy

The Shilizal are not known for their philosophical musings, but they do have a deep appreciation for science and knowledge. Many Shilizal warriors are also skilled inventors and scientists, often incorporating their love for battle and strength into their creations. They have a great deal of knowledge on topics such as biology, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, and physics - all of which can be put to use in both the battlefields and everyday life. The Shilizal are also keen observers of the natural world around them, studying the behavior of animals and plants in order to better understand nature’s secrets.   Additionally, they value education highly and believe that knowledge is the key to success. They often conduct scientific experiments in order to gain a deeper understanding of how things work and apply it to their own inventions or techniques. They also believe that science can help them better understand the spiritual realm by offering insight into life’s mysteries.


The Shilizal are a hierarchical and patriarchal people, where the most accomplished warriors take positions of power. Social standing is determined by one’s skill in combat and strength of character, which often translates into higher earning potential.   In addition to hierarchical structure, strong clan loyalty is expected from all Shilizal members. Clan members are expected to put the needs of their clan before their own personal gain, and they stay together to support each other through difficult times. Teamwork and camaraderie are important qualities among the Shilizal, as is loyalty to one’s kin. Despite having a warrior-like culture, the Shilizal respect other professions such as scholars and craftsmen. They believe that education is necessary for success in life, encouraging their children to study hard and pursue knowledge in both practical and philosophical areas. Furthermore, they recognize the importance of artisanship in creating beautiful objects that can be used as decoration or even weapons in battle.

Customs and Etiquette

The Shilizal have a rich cultural heritage and a set of strict codes of conduct in both personal and public life. Respect for the five kings, clan elders, and other authority figures is of utmost importance, and anyone who disrespects them is met with severe consequences. Hospitality is also highly valued among the Shilizal, with guests being treated with great respect and generosity. It is customary to offer food and drink to guests upon their arrival, and hosts will often go out of their way to ensure their comfort.   Obedience to one's parents is also seen as an important virtue in Shilizal society. Children are expected to obey their parents without question, as it reflects positively on the family unit as a whole. Disrespecting one's parents can lead to serious repercussions from the family or even from the wider community.   Honesty is another important aspect of Shilizal culture. Lying or stealing are seen as highly immoral behaviors, and are punishable by law. In addition, gossiping about one's neighbors or spreading rumors can lead to ostracism within the community.

Political Leaders

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Non-citizens make up the bulk of Shilizal society and working class, commonly women and children under 5. Citiznenship among Shilizal is an honor only for Shilizal warriors (commonly males) within the military. Though, some exceptions are made for women who demonstrate certain abilities or traits, but this is exceedingly rare.


Slaves within Shilizal society are commonly criminals or captive prisoners of conquered races or societies. They are considered to be the lowest societal class of the Shilizal and are denied any and all rights.


Gender roles among the Shilizal are strongly divided, with men are typically warriors and solely occupy positions of power and women being responsible for domestic duties and child-rearing. However, this does not mean that women are viewed as inferior or less important than men. Women are highly respected for their ability to raise strong, healthy children who will one day become honorable warriors themselves. Women also hold a special place in Shilizal society as the keepers of tradition and culture. They are often responsible for passing down the history and stories of the clan to future generations.   Despite gender divisions, the Shilizal are not without their fair share of female warriors. Though rare, these women are highly respected and revered for their skills. They are trained from a young age in the art of combat and are often tasked with protecting the homefront during times of war, and are barred from frontline combat.


Kinship is highly valued among the Shilizal, with family ties playing a significant role in all aspects of life. Family members are expected to support each other through thick and thin, no matter what. The family unit is typically headed by the oldest male member, who is responsible for providing for and protecting his family.   Extended family members, including aunts, uncles, and cousins, are also seen as important and valuable members of the clan. They often work together to share resources and knowledge, ensuring the survival and success of the entire clan.   Marriage is also an important aspect of Shilizal kinship. Marriages are arranged between families in order to form alliances and strengthen clan ties. However, the individuals involved in the marriage are not forced into it and are given the opportunity to get to know each other before making a final decision. Divorce is uncommon among the Shilizal, as families work together to resolve any issues that may arise between married couples.

Government and politics

The Shilizal political system is unusual in that it has five hereditary kings from five separate families. These monarchs are particularly powerful when one of them leads the army on campaign. The kings are also priests of the gods and they sit on the council of elders. This body consisted of 176 over-80 years of age males who hold the position for life. The council of elders leads the citizen assembly, proposing issues on which to vote and it is also the highest court on Shilizta. The assembly meets once a month and is open to all citizens who vote by the simple method of shouting. There is also an executive committee of ten ephors chosen by lot from the citizen body, able only to serve for a maximum of one year and who are ineligible for future office. Four of the ephors also accompany one of the kings when on campaign. The Shilizal's reputation as being a conservative people slow to make decisions in foreign policy.


The Shilizal have established a formidable and capable army through their mandatory conscription policy. From the age of 5, all Shilizal males are required to join the military for life, fostering a culture deeply rooted in combat readiness and discipline. This early initiation allows them to develop exceptional skills in hand-to-hand combat, as well as proficiency in wielding energy swords and plasma weaponry. Furthermore, the Shilizal benefit from their affiliation within the Hivivian Empire, a vast alliance comprising various races from across the galaxy. This collaboration grants the Shilizal access to the extensive resources and support provided by the Hivivian military. Their integration within this diverse coalition allows them to contribute significantly to Hivivian military operations, leveraging their feared ferocity on the battlefield and exceptional tactical acumen.   The Shilizal's reputation as formidable warriors and their renowned strategic capabilities have earned them a vital role within both their own forces and the greater Hivivian military. Their presence instills a sense of fear among adversaries, while their ability to analyze complex situations and make swift, effective decisions ensures their tactical importance. As such, the Shilizal remain a formidable force in galactic conflicts, with their adherence to military service from a young age and their collaboration with the Hivivian Empire cementing their position as a valuable asset.


The Shilizal army operates with a well-defined hierarchy, dividing its forces into different ranks, each associated with a distinct level of authority and responsibility. At the top of this hierarchical structure are the highest-ranking officers, who are directly appointed by the kings themselves. These elite officers possess the formidable power to command entire armies, shaping the outcome of battles and campaigns. In addition to these influential officers, there are other individuals known as 'Shipmasters' who hold similar ranks. These Shipmasters often command starships or even entire fleets, overseeing critical space and orbital operations. With their extensive knowledge of space navigation and military tactics, Shipmasters play a vital role in leading and coordinating Shilizal or Hivivian fleets.   The authority and responsibilities of these high-ranking officers extend far beyond merely giving orders. They bear the crucial burden of strategic decision-making, devising battle plans, and coordinating the efforts of their subordinates. With their profound understanding of military tactics and the Shilizal army's operational capabilities, these officers have the ability to shape the course of entire wars. Furthermore, Shipmasters operating on a similar level of authority, hold a significant role in the Shilizal army. They possess specialized knowledge and expertise in navigating the vast reaches of space, a task that demands intricate coordination and effective communication within their respective fleets. Their leadership ensures that both Shilizal and Hivivian forces remain efficient and effective in their operations, both within planetary atmospheres and across the vast expanse of the galaxy.

Fashion & Clothing

Fashion and clothing in Shilizal society serve a direct purpose in catering to the practical needs of the military-focused culture. In this society, clothing is predominantly designed with utilitarianism in mind, prioritizing durability and functionality over aesthetic appeal. For males, the typical attire often includes combat armor and heavy fabrics that are specifically tailored to endure harsh environments and prolonged periods of wear. The practicality of Shilizal fashion can be seen in the meticulous attention to detail given to the choice of materials and designs. The combat armor worn by males is crafted to provide optimal protection while maintaining flexibility and ease of movement. This is crucial in a society where physical strength and agility are highly valued and certainly necessary in military operations.   Women's clothing in the Shilizal society is also designed with practicality in mind. Loose-fitting garments are favored, allowing women to have a full range of movement without any hindrances. This flexibility is essential, considering that women in this society actively participate in various activities, including combat and physical training.


The Shilizal language has a similar dialect to Doric Greek but has its own distinct characteristics in pronunciation and vocabulary. Learning their language can be quite challenging for outsiders, as it requires a deep understanding of the grammatical rules, pronunciation nuances, and expansive vocabulary. Shilizal places great importance on maintaining the correct use of their native tongue, as they believe it reflects their cultural identity.   From a young age, Shilizal children undergo extensive language training to develop fluency in their native tongue. This emphasis on language skills not only serves as a means of communication but is also viewed as a measure of intelligence and cultural pride. The Shilizal people believe that by mastering their language, individuals demonstrate respect for their traditions, values, and heritage. The Shilizal language's complexity lies not only in its grammar and vocabulary but also in its unique pronunciation patterns. Outsiders may struggle to grasp the subtle nuances and inflections that give the language its distinct flavor. To truly master the language, one must invest time and effort in understanding its intricacies, embracing its cultural significance and symbolism.

Naming conventions

The Shilizal hold a deep reverence for names and titles. To them, a name is not just a label, but a privilege bestowed only upon those who are deemed worthy. Humans and other species, in their eyes, are nameless beings, relegated to generic labels that fail to capture the essence of their individuality. For a Shilizal, their first name is a sacred gift, bestowed upon them at birth and carried with them throughout their entire life. It is a symbol of their identity, a reflection of their character and personality. But as they reach adulthood, they are granted an additional honor - a service name.   This name is not given lightly, but only to those who have proven themselves through their actions and deeds. It is a mark of distinction, a recognition of their contributions to their community and society. With this name, they are elevated to a higher status, respected and admired by their peers. To the Shilizal, a name is not just a collection of letters, but a representation of one's worth and value. It is a privilege that must be earned, and a responsibility that must be upheld. And for those who are deemed worthy, it is a source of pride and honor that they carry with them throughout their entire life.

Trade and economics

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Role in the Hivivian

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Relations with Other Hivivian Races

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Shilizal Concept.png
by Thach

Biological overview

Scientific Name






Physical information

Average Height

7 ft 4 in

Average Weight

310 lb

Average Physique

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150 - 180 years

Societal Overview






Coregency (5 Kings)

Member of…

Hivivian Empire

Technology level

Tier 3

Native Technologies


Shared Technologies

Artificial Gravity

Artificial limb

Communication Networks

Energy Shielding


Inertia Damping Generator

Plasma Weaponry

Pinch Fusion Reactor

Repulsor engine


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