Technological Achievement Tiers in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Technological Achievement Tiers

The Yictan civilization utilized a system known as the Technological Achievement Tier to evaluate the progression of other civilizations. This categorization was later adopted by the Hivivian Empire to recognize advancements in technology. It is a seven-tier classification, with the lower numbers indicating a higher degree of technological advancement. The criteria for each tier were based on the sophistication of a civilization's tools, the degree of automation in their industries, and their use of renewable energy sources. The first tier was reserved for civilizations that had mastered interstellar travel, while the seventh tier represented civilizations still utilizing basic agrarian functions and hunter-gatherer methods.   The Technological Achievement Tier system provided a clear way to understand a civilization's technological advancement, making communication and diplomatic relations simpler. Through examination of factors such as energy consumption and resource management, this system granted a straightforward means of evaluating a civilization's future potential.

Tier 7: Pre-Industrial

Tier 7 is one of the most common and stable states, with limited weaponry and environmental threats. Subsistence farming, foraging, and hunting are the primary means of survival, and technology is limited to simple hand-made tools, weapons, and agrarian implements and methods. Despite their lack of advanced technological capabilities, societies in Tier 7 are not without knowledge. It's not uncommon for these communities to have a broad understanding of planetary and solar mechanics, as well as a deep knowledge of local flora and fauna.   The Tigriic, for example, were believed to be in this stage of development prior to encountering the Caniic for the first time. Their society likely revolved around basic agriculture and animal husbandry, and they would have relied heavily on communal knowledge and tradition to ensure their survival.   Although Tier 7 societies may seem sparse and non-threatening, they serve as a fundamental building block for more advanced civilizations. The knowledge and skills gained during this stage can lay the groundwork for future societal and technological advancements.

Tier 6: Industrial

Tier 6, also known as the Industrial stage, marks a significant technological advancement in a specie's society. During this stage, the focus shifts towards mass urbanization, increased productivity, and mechanized food production. However, this change also brings about significant economic and political pressures that can be difficult to manage for many societies. While agrarian societies could maintain their stability in the pre-industrial stage, the population strain and reliance on machines for production often create challenges. Yet, crossing this threshold promises advancement in several areas. Societies that effectively balance environmental and medical understanding with technological advancements are more likely to thrive while those that do not often struggle.   Humanity occupied this stage from the late 18th century until the mid-20th century. It is worth noting that the Gnimgian civilization also existed at this stage before joining the Hivivian Empire. Similarly, the Becceorian, who had recently rediscovered radio and flight, were likely in this stage before being assimilated into the Hivivian civilization.

Tier 5: Atomic Age

As species advance to Tier 5, their focus shifts towards clean energy production. The use of atomic energy for weapons becomes a characteristic of belligerent species in this tier, often resulting in devastating consequences. However, in-atmosphere craft and manned space flight become prevalent features. Humanity achieved Tier 5 status in 1945, when the devastating atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. This event marked the beginning of the Atomic Age, which brought about significant advancements in science and technology.   The Caniic species may have also entered this age around 1990 during their First Contact War with the Sauranian. This period of their history may have been marked by the exploration and utilization of atomic energy, as they advanced towards Tier 5 status.

Tier 4: Space Age

Tier 4, also known as the Space Age, is where species have developed the technology to break free from their planet's surface and explore the vastness of space. This level of technology is characterized by advanced medical capabilities and a focus on comfort. In the early 2100s, humanity reached Tier 4 with the development of viable space travel in the 21st century. This allowed them to explore the depths of space and expand their knowledge of the universe. However, it was also during this period that humanity experienced the First Energy War.   The Becceorian had also reached Tier 4 at some point in their history. But, due to a brutal war between rival master-packs, their civilization regressed to the pre-industrial age. This serves as a reminder that even with advanced technology, conflict can still occur.   The Asiel, on the other hand, reached Tier 4 around 2500 BCE. Their civilization was characterized by a focus on comfortable living and medical advancements.

Tier 3: Space-Faring

In the Yictan’s system of technological advancement, Tier 3 or the space-faring level marks a significant achievement for any species. This is the level at which a species has mastered efficient hyperspace navigation, mass drivers, asynchronous linear-induction weapons, holocrystal storage, and semi-sentient AI. However, this level does come with its own set of challenges and ethical questions, especially when it comes to the creation of AI. The process of creating semi-sentient AI requires memory transfer from the freshly deceased and/or flash cloning, which raises questions about the boundaries between life and death and the ethics of cloning.   It is interesting to note that humanity stood at this level for most of the 22nd and 25th centuries, making significant strides in space exploration, interstellar travel, and colonization during this time. The Caniic, on the other hand, colonized their home system at this level, demonstrating their advanced technological capabilities. Despite their technological prowess, it is worth noting that at this level, species have had no outside influence. This means that they have achieved this level of advancement completely on their own, without any external help or interference.

Tier 2: Interstellar

Tier 2 of the Yictan's Technological Achievement system involves the ability to perform highly precise hyperspace navigation, almost instantaneous interstellar communication, and portable application of energy manipulation. This technological level represents a significant advancement in a species' ability to explore and travel through space. The Shalgan, a species that achieved Tier 2 early on in their history, demonstrate the capabilities of this achievement. They are able to navigate through different spatial dimensions and reach their destinations with extreme accuracy, making interstellar travel much more efficient. Additionally, their ability to communicate across vast distances allows for effective and timely communication between different groups throughout the galaxy, enhancing their collective knowledge and understanding of other cultures.   For human beings, Tier 2 technology was reached during the mid-twenty-first century. However, following the First Energy War, humanity regressed back to the Space Age. This suggests that while the achievement of Tier 2 is a major technological milestone, it is not necessarily a guaranteed step forward and that there are often external factors that can impede progress.

Tier 1: World Builder

Tier 1 of the Yictan's Technological Achievement system is the most advanced level that a species can attain. Those who have reached this level possess extraordinary abilities, including the manipulation of gravitational forces, the creation of artificial intelligence with sentience, the development of super-dense materials, the ability to perform highly accurate hyperspace navigation, the capacity to create life, and the remarkable skill of building entire worlds.   The Yictan civilization was the most successful in achieving Tier 1 status, indicating an exceptional level of technological sophistication. It is feasible that the Shalgan civilization had also attained this level of advancement before they were defeated by the Yictan.   Tier 1 highlights the pinnacle of technological advancement in a species, revealing their ability to manipulate the fundamental laws of physics and create new dimensions of life. The potential consequences of such advanced technological capabilities are vast and significant, which makes achieving Tier 1 a remarkable feat and a significant milestone for any species.

Tier 0: Transsentient

The concept of transsentience, or tier 0, is the final level in the Yictan technological achievement system. According to Yictan beliefs, no civilization can surpass this level of advancement, making it the theoretical highest point in terms of technological evolution. It is believed that transsentient species can travel between galaxies and even accelerate the growth of intelligent life. However, unlike traditional technological advancements, the state of transsentience is less about the level of available technology and more about a metaphysical elevation of the beings themselves, beyond conventional existence.   The Yictan view transsentience as a state of being that goes beyond the physical limitations of the universe. This suggests that such beings have transcended the barriers of space and time, and have achieved a level of consciousness that is beyond current understanding. Although it remains a theoretical concept, the idea of transsentience invites the desire to explore the possibility of a new form of evolution for intelligent beings, one that goes beyond the limits of traditional technology and delves into the mysteries of the universe.


The technological achievement scale is similar to the real-world Kardashev scale, which measures technological advancement based upon the total amount of energy a civilization is capable of harnessing. Similar categorical scales are commonly found in science fiction.   An example of a Tier 0 - Transsentient species, can be something like the Ancients from the Stargate Universe. A race of extremely intelligent race of human-like beings so advanced that they learned to shed their physical bodies and live as pure energy on another plane of existence.


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