Shalgan Species in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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The Shalgan, also known as Hierarchs by humanity, are a near-extinct sapient species native to the planet Gagnoania. The Shalgan serve as the leadership caste of the Hivivian Empire, and exert complete control over the Hivivian's political and technological affairs. Shalgan civilization and culture is based on technology that was left behind by the Yictan, an extremely advance and extinct alien culture. Shalgan once revered the Yictan as both rivals and equals, and are the only galactic race that lived at the same time as the Yictan, in which the a bloody war known as the Yictan-Shalgan war.


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Anatomy and physiology

Shagan, are a bipedal species, that may share features with salamanders. They are cold-blooded and give birth to live off-spring. However, Shalgan have not reproduced biologically in thousands of years. The possess three fingers including an opposable thumb, that have allowed them to use a variety of hand-tools. The shalgan's circulatory system contains a three-chambered heart with two atria and one ventricle. Blood leaving the ventricle passes into one of four vessels. Shalgan blood does contain hemoglobin, and thus makes it the color red. Shalgan possess two lungs that primarily function in a nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere.   Most shalgan have a curved spine as a result of evolving in space after leaving the higher gravity of their homeworld. This causes most shalgan to be frail and weak, as their muscles do not need to be as strong to support their weight. Their heads are elongated, and their eyes are large and deep-set, allowing them to see in low-light environments.

Genetics and Reproduction

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Life cycle

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Biological variation

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Psychology & Intelligence

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Shalgan culture is often divided into two different sect; the conservatives, and the stoics. The conservatives are commonly more progressive, technologically advanced, and physically frail. The stoics, however, tend to be more muscular, religious, and warriors. It was the conservative Shangan that left their homeworld of Gagnoania to reside in space habits and starships, eventually forming the Hivivian Empire alongside the Shilizal and other races. The Stoics on the other hand, remained on Gagnoania and were strongly opposed to all forms of technology.


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Naming conventions

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Tools and technologies

Prior to their encounter with the Yictan in their home system, were one of the most technologically advanced species in the Milky Way, becoming a space-faring race by developing their own starships. The Shalgan's starships were considered impressive even by the Yictan. The Shalgan were responsible for developing a temporal stasis field that brought the passage of time to a stop through sophisticated higher-dimensional manipulation.   Following the Shalgan-Yictan War and the resettling of Gagnoania, the species redeveloped their technology based on their observation of Yictan artifacts. Conservative Shalgan developed their own technologies, such as Vision surveillance drones, anti-gravity belts, shuttlecraft, drop pods equipped with protective force fields, and pulse rifles. The Conservatives also experimented with various active camouflage systems. However, the Stoics largely resisted technological progress, perhaps fearing that technological advancement may have incurred the wrath of their gods. By 20,000 BCE, the Stoics had advanced little within the past millennium, maintaining a Tier 5 civilization by Yictan standards.   Within the Hivivian, the Shalgan combined their knowledge with Shilizal and other species, advancing their empire's technology level to Tier 2. As the Hivivian came across new Yictan artifacts, the Shalgan utilized them to build new technology for the Hivivian. Many of the Shalgan advancements came from the Yictan Dreadnought the Conservatives had originally taken from Gagnoania. However, the Hivivian's recovery and analysis of Yictan technology under Shalgan direction was the origin of most of the empire's technology, with artifacts from numerous Yictan sites providing substantial technological progress for the Hivivian. Technological advancements yielded from Yictan artifacts included hyperspace travel and communication, the manipulation of extremely high volumes of plasma energy through recycling detritus from sublight travel, the basic control and utilization of hard light, short-range teleportation of matter, and advanced influence over gravity and repulsor-based technologies, among other developments.

Religion and spirituality

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Science and philosophy

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Government and politics

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Fashion and dress

Shalgan politicians generally dress themselves in robes—sometimes made of filigreed material. The robes varied in complexity and color, with the overall design of the robe typically reflecting the personality of its wearer. Personal designs on robes ranged from golden thread on a scarlet robe to represent interlinked planetary systems to a simple white robe. The Shalgan emperor is often seen in more extravagant robes with a golden crown-like helm on their heads. Nearly all Shalgan walk with a cane curved slightly at the top.

Trade and economics

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Role in the Hivivian

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Relations with Other Hivivian Races

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Modern Shalgan by Thach

Biological overview

Scientific Name






Physical information


400 - 3000 years

Average Physique

physically frail, long and thin limbs, curved spine

Average Height

Around 6’ 0”

Average Weight

81.4 kg (179.4 lb.) to 96.6 kg (212.9 lb.)

Sociocultural information




less than 37,000

Founding Member of…

Hivivian Empire

Technological Level

Tier 2

Native Technologies


Pinch Fusion Reactor

Repulsor engine

Shared Technologies

Artificial Gravity

Communication Networks

Energy Shielding


Inertia Damping Generator


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