Decanterlands Geographic Location in Inside the Bag | World Anvil


The Decanterlands are a series of lakes and wetlands in the Dump. These are caused by a series of Decanters of Endless Water that were turned on full blast, and left there. This was done by the Formers in 184.   Around these areas are a few patches of what amounts to grasslands, although the grass is a deep red, feeding off the water and the blood of the devourer. The devourer despises this grass, but so far has not come up with a way to eradicate it. The grass is hardy, due to numerous attempts at burning is intensely fire and heat resistant. It has been able to mutate from the tiny amounts of magic it can pull from the creatures blood. This is referred to as Bloodgrass, and is sometimes used in crafting fire resistant clothing and armor.   This area has a small population of fish that live in the lakes, also brought by the Formers. This has caused a small ecosystem to blossom here, with a fair amount of natural creatures existing. Many of them are resistant to acid and fire, as well as small amounts of innate magic from the magic coming up the food chain.
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