Inside the bag Dwarves And Poison

Dwarves And Poison

Life, Death


The party answers a call by Thofoth Leadmace, get poisoned , and successfully save Grix from some draconians. The magic sword, Narhethi , finds its place in the party.

The party leaves the sword in the box, and Dynamo continues to work with Rin Alderfire on creating a spell to help with guiding the slipholes. During the week long process, the party gets a message from Thofoth Leadmace, a Venerated citizen and stone merchant in Famine. The party goes to visit him and he offers to buy the sword off of them, saying it needs to be destroyed. The party agrees, mostly, with Lessaris not entirely happy about the deal. He offers a toast, but only Dylan Hobbs and Yasmeen partake. A day or so later Lessaris decides to sneak back into the dwarfs house and steal back the sword. While doing this, they discover a box full of vials of black liquid. They steal both back, leaving the anti-magic box in an alley. Returning to the rest of the party, they manage to avoid alerting anyone to their having left at all. A few hours after everyone wakes up, Yasmen and Dylan both vomit black and fall unconscious, having had suddenly taken a massive amount of damage. First Lessaris attempts to heal them with potions, but this does nothing but stabilize them. Lessaris goes and talks to Rin who points them at Tobi , a local cleric. The kobold charges them 50 Faminite Platinum to cast Greater Restoration on both of them, bringing them back to 1 HP. The party is able to deduce, based on only two being hurt, the ones who did the toast, as well as the vials in Thofoth's house, that he tried to poison and kill them. The party reports the crime to a guard, who explains they can report crimes, even ones in process by contacting Malik, the soul embedded in the Barrierheart, at any time telepathically. The do so, stating the death of Yasmeen and Dylan, and accusing Thofoth. Dylan tells them they are stupid for putting this on public record. Out of anger the party goes to Thofoths house to confront them, finding them gone, and almost all of the valuables in the house taken as well. Through some investigation they find Thofoth's body, throat slit, hidden in a closet. they dispose of the body, but Dylan keeps the head to have Speak with Dead on. They also find a large amount of claw marks in the wood of the house, leading to a secret hatchway in the roof. The party decides to move in to the house, given the way property laws work in Famine, mostly amounting to whoever lives there owns the place. After a brief venture to the Daylight Library to research how stone is made, and what records there are on Thofoth, the party has Tobi cast Speak with Dead on Thofoth's head. Thofoth states he was killed by a large draconic creature, and they he has never seen them before. He is otherwise unable to provide any useful information as he has been dead for a while now. The party decides now is a good time to go do some work and takes up a job helping out in the Decanterlands. Before leaving they swap out the horse they found with their cart for Yasmeen's magical steed. They decide to sell the rare horse through Rin. They venture off to find Winch who asks them to find Grix, a local druid, and convince him to help them start a grove of trees. On the way to Grix's house, the sword, which Yasmeen has been holding onto due to her superior ability to resist it's control, speaks for the first time since being sold off. It tells them they are both being watched and followed. He points out an invisible orb that keeps appearing near Lessaris is someone casting scry, which has been happening off and on since the battle with the first draconian camp. The party tries to see who is following them, but don't manage to spot them. Suddenly Yasmeen's steed is attacked and killed by a dozen tiny flying metal raptors. Yasmeen wields the sword to great effect, and allows it to use its most powerful ability, destroying all the remaining raptors in one fell swoop. They find Grix's house and see that it has been broken into and he has seemingly been kidnapped. Following the tracks of the wagon that took him they are able to quickly catch up due to Yasmeen's magical steed not needing to rest and being able to guide itself, so that they can keep moving even at night. Catching up with the wagon they quickly pull warp the driver off, who is a draconian in the guise of a gnome. The sword demands they they kill the draconian, and use it to do so. Yasmeen obliges, and the sword uses its psychic power to kill the creature instantly, crushing its skull. The party quickly overruns the remaining draconians inside, looting a rifle off of one of them. They rescue Grix, and take the new cart and horse with them back towards Winch. The sword reveals it used to be a dragon, killed by Zevgor, and now wants revenge. It also reveals it's name, Narhethi.

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