Jiji the Liar Character in Incandescence | World Anvil
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Jiji the Liar

Jiji the Liar was a Protector God and one of the final gods to lose their life in the Abandonment. Jiji was the god of cunning, deception, and secrets, and often manifested as a black cat, appearing as a massive black panther when they stood to do battle with Levottomuus, the Shadow Wolf.   Jiji was a trickster god, and drew much ire from mortals in the years before the Abandonment. They would often convince mortals to betray each other, or give them promises that would have ironic consequences. However, it became known that Jiji did these things out of a fascination with mortality, as they believed the gods were hypocritical in their deceptiveness, whereas mortals were explicit in their lies.  


Jiji successfully convinced the Betrayer Gods that they were devoted to their cause, and helped Raziel, Hand of Light to lay waste to Knackery. Unbeknownst to the Betrayer Gods, Jiji had already helped the citizens of Knackery escape through the Ashen Valley with the help of Dusk, Shrouded Vanguard. Levottomuus, sensing this betrayal, followed Jiji as Jiji led the people away from the city and confronted the deceiver. Both gods lost their lives in the ensuing battle in the forests in the center of the valley.

Divine Domains

Cunning, deception, secrets
Divine Classification


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