Madam Viviane's Brothel Building / Landmark in Inanta | World Anvil

Madam Viviane's Brothel


The brothel is owned and run by Viviane Lomont. There are six whores that services the men, women, and non-binary patrons of the whorehouse.   Madam Viviane only takes on special clients, and then only rarely.  

The Whores

  • Yvette - an older, but still pretty blond hair, blue eye half-elf. She is the oldest whore and the most experience. She'll take the newest girls/guys that come in and help them understand how the business works. Yvette will do most anything if the price is right.
  • Sophia - brown hair, brown eyed human with chocolate skin. She is snarky and abrasive. She spends more time "going on discount" than any of the other whores because of her attitude.
  • Rosalinda (Rosie) - blond hair, brown eyed human. She is the youngest and newest whore, barely passed her majority. She is a sweet young thing, plays at being very shy and quiet, uses that to get the nicer clients into her bed.
  • Uzuria (Ria) - blond hair, brown eyed human. She's the girl next door that everyone wants, but daddy keeps them away from. Good looking, but trouble with a capital T. Sometimes, she'll double team a client with Toman.
  • Xoramen (Xori) - red feathers and blue eyes, this Aarakocra man exudes the exotic and erotic. He's the one that everyone walks on the wild side with when they can afford him.
  • Toman - brown hair, brown eyed human. He's the boy next door that lets everyone fuck him. Sometimes he'll double team a client with Ria.
Going On Discount
Whores only go on sale or on discount when they are in trouble with Madam Viviane. The Whores and Madam Viviane each receive 50% of the sale of the whore for the time she/he spends with a client. If they go on discount, either 25% or 50% depending on how much trouble they are in, that discount comes out of the whore's percentage of the sale. The only time this percentage doesn't come out of only the whore's percentage is when they first arrive, then it comes out of both the whore and Madam Viviane's percentages equality as part of the advertisement of a new whore.
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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