Alverton Exotic Market Building / Landmark in Inanta | World Anvil

Alverton Exotic Market


  The Alverton Exotic Market is located in the Old Temple building across the street from where the priesthood build the new temple. The Morea Thieves Guild have spent the last 150 years since they have taken over the building retrofitting it to be a marketplace where they can sell off everything that they have stolen and rent out spaces to vendors that don't quite fit into the regular market.   The building is three floors. The first floor is Main floor, where the sanctuary used to be. It is now the main market space and where the leader of the Morea Thieves Guild hold public meetings with the Guild. The floor above is the Balcony. It was where additional pews were for the overflow of temple goers. Now, it is used for the more expensive and rare item market spaces. The floor below the main floor is the Basement. This is where the acolytes and priest used to live, eat and pray. This area has been turn into a series of cells for prisoners and guild members being punished. The rest of the area is outfitted for the guilds needs.  

Main Floor

  Walking up to the temple, you see a patio with a balcony above. The patio is surrounded by a wooden fence tall enough that you can't climb over it. There is a set of three step up to a break in the fence that leads to door to the sanctuary. To the right and left of the doors are eight pillars, four on each side. Each side has three tents set up with tables available for rent.   Walking through the double doors, you walk into the sanctuary. Where there should be pews, there are brightly colored rugs and tables with contrasting table clothes. There are three rugs and tables on each side as you walk down the aisle. To your right and left are stairs and behind the stairs is a door. These doors lead to conference rooms which can be rented by the hour.   You can see four more tables with rugs on the next row to your left, and four carts with tables on the next aisle to your left. Between the each set of aisles are pillars. These pillars are holding up the balcony. Looking up, you can see more market stalls.   In front of you are steps leading to platform where the High Priest used to speak to the congregation. Now, there are three thrones before the baptismal basin. The baptismal basin is still filled with water, though it is also filled with muck, blood, and other fluids. Behind the baptismal basin is a set of doors. There are also single doors set in the back wall by the last market space on either side of the platform. You would need special permission to get in any of those doors.   If you came back another day, you would notice that the eight market spaces along the outer walls are always filled with the same shopkeepers. They pay a monthly fee to keep their market stall. This fee not only pays for the stall itself, but also for protection of the Thieves Guild. The six market stalls in the middle of the floor and the six stalls outside are all transient stalls. The longest one can rent the stall for is a week. This rental fee is only for the market stall. There is no protection provided.  


  If you walk back to the stairs at the front of the building, they will take you up to the balcony. On the balcony, you will find more market spaces. When you first arrive upstairs, there are three empty spaces. These spaces and the ones outside are transient market stalls. They are rented by the hour, day or week, but you have to have items worth paying the prices for these stalls. They are expensive.   There are four market stalls on each side of the balcony. These are own by the Thieves Guild to sell any rara, very rare, legendary, or artifacts that they have "found" during jobs. Mostly, they are ones that were pirated by the Morea Horde Pirate Guild and the Alverton Thieves Guild have "found" them and need to get rid of them before the Pirate Guild finds out that they have them. You can usually talk them down to a lower price if you can haggle well enough.   There is a room behind each set of stairs. These rooms are empty, but for rent if you need a quiet, out of the way place for business. Just don't tell anyone what you are up to.   There are also single doors set in the back wall by the last market space on either side of the platform. You would need special permission to get in any of those doors.  


  You would need special permission to get into the basement. If you are not in the Thieves Guild, you don't get into the Basement, unless you don't want to leave the Basement. Understand!?!


Market square
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