Mordancy Character in In The Red and White Mansion | World Anvil
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However much we travel, we reach a boundary; curious, is it not, that humanity once thought the same and yet no matter how far they travelled, they never fell off the edge as they thought they might?   How curious indeed, that Loehs has limitations that Earth does not.
    Mordancy was a Cambionic demon who spearheaded demonic research into their own dimension.   A mixture of a philosopher and scientist, she was the curator of the school of thought towards the limitations of the dimension of Loehs, and drew attention to the fact that Loehs and all its native inhabitants do not occur from a physical space within the universe. Her biting wit and stoic personality was a significant part in getting people to pay attention to her theories, as she presented them in a very no nonsense way that was virtually impossible to ignore.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mordancy was considered a great philosopher and started research into the limitations and capabilities of the home dimension of demons and gods - Loehs. She was born to a Hellionic bearer and a fae sire, but never knew of her sire at all. Her bearer was an explorer, and often travelled to the very edges of Loehs when she was young. Her exposure to the phenomenon of the edge of the dimension got her thinking at a young age about why it stopped in the first place. When she grew, she followed through on her childhood questions, and compared the travel amongst Loehs to the travel that humanity underwent through their early explorations of the globe. Once humanity discovered that the world was not flat was when she really started thinking about the physical space that Loehs occupies - or rather, what space it doesn't occupy. Her theories shook the scientific and philosophical communities of Loehs once she started speaking and bringing attention to it. Her research towards the "edge of the world" phenomenon still continues on today. In 1956, she inexplicably vanished from Loehs along with her Choiric lover, and was never heard from again. Most people presume her dead, although a good portion believe her and her lover are still alive and living on the mortal plane.
1209 1956 747 years old
Circumstances of Death
Presumed, but not confirmed.

Cover image: by Eberhard Grossgasteiger


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