Nyrhana Character in In Defense of the Dawn | World Anvil
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Nyrhana is a bounty hunter in Vyon.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Level 4 Inquisitive Rogue.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A half-wood elf, she was once part of the Isolone Village guard, but she was part of an incident involving a stray arrow and an innocent bystander, and she was removed from her position. With few other marketable skills, she turned to freelance bounty hunting out of Landharbor about five years ago.   She was last spotted in Session0099, headed north towards Riverrun, looking for a human with dark hair.


Isolone guard 3Y03-3Y15
Bounty hunter 3Y15-present

Failures & Embarrassments

In 3Y15, some creatures attacked Isolone Village. After several were killed, the remainder fled. She took a shot at one of the fleeing creatures, but missed. The arrow hit a bystander. She was relieved from the guard due to poor judgment about whether she should have ever fired the arrow. Embarrassed, she left Isolone and started working out of Landharbor.


Contacts & Relations

Contacts in the Isolone guard/village.

Family Ties

Parents are in Landharbor.

Religious Views

Multi-denominational. Mirran, Witen, Vydea, Asten.


[9:07 PM] DM: The figure raises their hand in greeting. "Hello. I'm looking for a human man with dark hair fleeing towards Riverrun. You haven't seen anyone suspicious on your way, have you?"   [9:08 PM] Ryleigh Alastair: "We haven't, and we've been traveling for a few hours."   [9:10 PM] Seirixori: Seir watches them intently.   [9:10 PM] Sariel: Sariel narrows her eyes at the traveler, "Not sure it's any of our business who comes and goes from Riverrun."   [9:13 PM] DM: The woman looks past Ry towards the cart. She's a half-elf with tan skin, bright green eyes, and greenish-brown hair. She sweeps her eyes over the people within with a look then smiles at Ryleigh. "Well, thank you. Be safe."


Bounty Hunters
Current Location
Year of Birth
22 Y2 42 Years old
Current Residence
Bright green
Greenish-brown, short.




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