Holy Hearth Organization in Iconast | World Anvil

Holy Hearth

The great order of Paladins and clerics under the service of Ghandihast. Fairly new in the grand scale the Aasimars of the North have great influence under the Realm of Northguard 
  Ghandihast, as the mother of fertility and warmth, has granted many magical powers to her servants within this knightly order.


Devoted to Ghandihast, Goddess of Fertility, Warmth, and Motherly Love. The Aasimar of this order believe wholly in her and her intentions.
  There are many ceremonies and holidays; There is the festival of lights which celebrates the birth and first step of Aasimar on the world. There is the Holy feast which is the foundation of Holy Hearth's founding. More holidays will be created as more joining together and special events happen for Holy Hearth such as the joining of other nations or striking down ill intended foe.

Tenets of Faith

  • Care and help others, especially those worse off than yourself.
  • Protect the innocent, they are the children of the world and thusly, children of the great mother Ghandihast
  • Forgiveness of transgressions is essential to improvement of the self and others.
  • Prosperity lies in cooperation

Prosperity and Warmth for Everyone, through Ghandihast

Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Aasimar paladins, Aasimar Cult, Cult of Ghandihast, Church of Ghandihast
Precious Metal Coinage, typically in the denominations of Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Copper
Parent Organization


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