Confederation of Free People Organization in Iconast | World Anvil

Confederation of Free People

The confedration of Free People is a group of disenfranchised peoples from the southern realms that moved north to escape the oppression. Many of them have at one point been serfs in pearidor or one of the other powerful fuedal states that surround the Unicorn Sea.


A violent Civil War Destroyed the Confederacy, the Commonwealth of Kagren takes over.

Through Freedom, Prosperity. Through Acceptance, Peace.

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Free Peoples' Republic
Successor Organization
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Three different Coins,
The greatest is the Scales of Justice, a gold coin
13 Silver Coins, depicting broken shackles are equivalent to 1 Scale of Justice
Tin Coins with beheaded monarchs are the lowest currency 20 of these go into a single Shackle.
Related Species


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