The Castle of Ja-Ṣin Building / Landmark in Ichor of Darkness | World Anvil
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The Castle of Ja-Ṣin (yah-TZIN)

Purpose / Function

Also known as the Sanctuary, the castle complex is the home to the handful remaining Nightborns, and the ruling seat of their princess, Alinna Innunna. It functions as a private problem-solving agency that serves Fae, witches, and very occasionally, humans. Also, the castle has the function of a hotel, nursing home, hospital, library, bank, and department store.


The Dorven architects from She’adú renovated the ruins of the ancient fortress for Lady Alinna, to make it into a liveable castle.


"If the Cinderella Castle and the Castlevania Castle had a child, then you have the Castle of Ja-Ṣin." -------- Joel Haddson
  The ancient fortress of Ja-Ṣin was not built for the comfort of living, but rather, for military advantages. Thus, the entire structure was built on the steep of a cliff, carved out of black granite stones. The surrounding cliff is barren and unreachable from any direction. A waterfall originated from the higher mountains runs through the centre of the fortress, providing both water and energy source for the structure.   The Castle of Ja-Ṣin is only accessible only by a long bridge connecting to the cliff walls on the opposite side, or through the Siren-filled waters underneath the castle. The Sirens only grant passage to ships that bear the banners of the Black Phoenix.  
She could see the entire structure of the Castle of Ja-Ṣin from where they were. A series of towers and pinnacles, carved directly out of the unreachable stone cliff, clawing into the dark sky. The Castle, being gilded by a string of flickering light, took the shape of a starry obsidian crown, and the moonlit waterfall, a silver sword cleaving through the centre of it.   Caught in the moonlight, shining against the black cliff wall, were the pale fossils of two ancient leviathans. One coiled its serpentine body at the bottom of the cliff, half submerged by the inky water. The other took avian form, with bony wings stretched heavenwards, frozen forever in an attacking descent.
    The original fortress was hastily put together with crude stones. The walls were not aligned properly, and the entire structure appears to lean towards one side. But the skills of Dorven architects gave the castle a new life. They expanded the supporting platform, strengthened the walls, mended the gaps and crevices, but kept the leaning structure of the main tower, for one the walls were impossible to verticalize, two the leaning structure had become a signature view of the castle. The Dorfyns then built many minor towers and pinnacles surrounding the main tower, decorated with gardens here and there, and connected them with bridges of various designs.


The Castle of Ja-Ṣin was originally an ancient Nightborn military fortress. It had a significant role of sustaining a magic barrier that prevents the Bloodborns from sailing across the sea.   The fortress was destroyed during the Queens' War, and the ruins were further corrupted by time. The Nightborn princess Alinna Innunna used the castle ruin as a hidout from time to time, and eventually came to call it home. With the help of the Dorven King Aldarégon, Alinna renovated the castle and with her Nightborn kin, Dr. Fridolin Farasun, founded the Sanctuary some seventy years ago, after the WWII. The old castle was given a life and continues to thrive till today.
Roughly 1st CE
Alternative Names
The Sanctuary, Dor-Ylanas


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