Sanderstone Mountains Geographic Location in HSA (Homeland State Authority) | World Anvil
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Sanderstone Mountains


The Sanderstone Mountains are the tallest and longest mountain range on the continent, like jagged white snow-tipped peaks that seemed to grow up behind the greenest of forests and the bluest of lakes.  They once separated the two countries of Anderstern and Poe, and were once seen as uncrossable, cutting the land of the continent almost directly in half.  Now they are home to most of the Homeland State Authority bases and production facilities as the historically secret nature of the mountains appeals to the clandestine group.


For centuries the Sanderstone Mountains mountains were revered. The appeared in the origin stories of all the major peoples on the continent.  For the people of Poe, the Gods have shown them a way across the uncrossable mountains, showing the gods favor for them as a people.  For the people of Anderstern, they were born in the mountains and the gods sent them to the valley to flourish, knowing they were strong enough to survive the harsh conditions on the outside.  For the people of the Siala Islands, fairies lived in the mountains and would throw rocks off the tops of them, creating the islands they lived off.  For the people of Tyred, the mountains were their ancestors watching over them, and every time someone died, a new mountain would rise up in their place.  They were seen as the home of the gods in almost all religions on the continent.  And while the mountain might have been rich in oil and mineral ore, the mining was kept to the base, so as to not disturb the favor of the gods.   With The Third World War the destruction caused left people with a general sense that the gods had abandoned them.  Their stories of the mountains who watched over them dropped out of the lexicon of culture, and the mountains were mostly ignored.  This worked in the favor of Homeland State Authority who knew there were more powerful resources that could be mined out of these mountains that were once untouchable and now forgotten.  The cover they provided was a perfect place for a secret government agency to grow up and thrive.
Mountain Range


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