Princess Salama Character in Holos | World Anvil
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Princess Salama

"The Pharaoh was blessed with many wives, hearty subjects, and twelve of the loveliest daughters Uriah had ever graced with light. The loveliest of these daughters was his youngest child, a girl named Salama." — Stygia the Chronicler

Princess of Temekan Salama Tiakken Dynasty (a.k.a. Grandmother of Iskendra)

Princess Salama is a mythical figure from the Mithril Era attested to in the legendarium of the Heavenly Council and the "The Origin of Iskendra." She is believed to have been the youngest daughter of the Temekanian Tiakken and a mortal consort of the god Uriah, the Sun Radiant. She is said to have born two children from the union, the twins Kananes I and Kóreni I. They would go on to found the city of Iskendra at the place of Ilusukon in the Kanesh of Nioa.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

From "The Origin of Iskendra": The loveliest of these daughters was his youngest child, a girl named Salama. Her hair was flowed like a garment made of black silk, her skin seemed smooth and unblemished as a shaded Marrow dune at dusk. Her chin and nose rose proud like the cliffs of the Mashiq. Her dark eyes danced with life, like a pool that catches the stars of a clear night.


Family Ties

Salama was said to be the youngest of twelve daughters born to the Pharaoh Tiakken. Her two older sisters, Bitek and Nemet, appear in the "Origin of Iskendra" as the primary antagonists, goading Salama into proving that the Sun God did in fact love her.   After being the consort of Uriah, Salama bore two children to the Sun Radiant: a boy named Kananes and a girl named Kóreni. They would become the founding dynasty of the settlement of Ilusukon, which would one day be called Iskendra.

Hobbies & Pets

Salama was given two animals as gifts by the Sun Radiant Uriah. One was the Golden Almiraj, Rehu, whom she rode across the Marrow Desert, up the Blinding Cliffs, through the Mashiq and to the edge of the Kanesh to the place of Ilusukon. The other, Uroad, was one of the Silver Aurochs and was butchered by Salama's party for a feast.
Old Temekan
"Danced with life, like a pool that catches the stars of a clear night.
"Flowed like a garment made of black silk"
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
"Seemed smooth and unblemished as a shaded Marrow dune at dusk"


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