Aurochs Species in Holos | World Anvil
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Bos primigenius

Basic Information

Biological Traits


Because of the massive horns, the frontal bones of aurochs are elongated and broad. The horns of the aurochs are characteristic in size, curvature, and orientation. They are curved in three directions: upwards and outwards at the base, then swinging forwards and inwards, then inwards and upwards. Aurochs horns can reach 80 cm (31 in) in length and between 10 and 20 cm (3.9 and 7.9 in) in diameter.  

Body shape

The proportions and body shape of the aurochs are strikingly different from many modern cattle breeds. For example, the legs are considerably longer and more slender, resulting in a shoulder height that nearly equaled the trunk length. The skull, carrying the large horns, are substantially larger and more elongated than in most cattle breeds. As in other wild bovines, the body shape of the aurochs is athletic, and especially in bulls, showed a strongly expressed neck and shoulder musculature. Therefore, the fore hand was larger than the rear, similar to the wisent, but unlike many domesticated cattle. Even in carrying cows, the udder is small and hardly visible from the side; this feature is equal to that of other wild bovines.

Growth Rate & Stages

Calves are vulnerable to wolves and, to an extent, bears, while healthy adult aurochs don't have to fear these predators. Big cats, such as lions and tigers, hyenas, gryphons, wyverns, perytons, rocs, and dragons are additional predators that probably preyed on aurochs.

Ecology and Habitats

The habitat selection of the aurochs is comparable to temperate forest buffalo. Some populations inhabit open grassland and helping maintain open areas by grazing, together with other large herbivores. With its hypsodont jaw, the aurochs is a grazer and has a food selection very similar to domesticated cattle. Its not a browser like many deer species, nor a semi-intermediary feeder like the wisent. the habitat of aurochs became more fragmented because of the steadily growing human population. During the last centuries the aurochs was limited to remote regions, such as floodplain forests or marshes, with no competing domestic herbivores and less hunting pressure.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like many bovids, aurochs form herds for at least a part of the year. These number between 30-50. If aurochs had social behaviour similar to their descendants, social status was gained through displays and fights, in which cows engaged as well as bulls. Aurochs bulls are reported to often have severe fights. As in other wild cattle, ungulates that form unisexual herds, aurochs have considerable sexual dimorphism.


Domesticated cattle and aurochs are so different in size that they have been regarded as separate species; however, large cattle and aurochs have more similar morphological characteristics, with significant differences only in the horns and some parts of the cranium.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found across the wild grasslands, temperate forests, hills, taiga, and tundra regions of Auloa.

Average Intelligence

Low bestial intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aurochs have reasonably good hearing and smell and good eyesight. However, they're diurnal and do not have darkvision.
Scientific Name
Bos primigenius
25-40 years
Average Height
Bulls: 155–180 cm Cows: 135–155 cm
Average Weight
700-1500 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Calves are born a chestnut colour. Young bulls change their coat colour at a few months old to a very deep brown or black, with a white eel stripe running down the spine. Cows retain the reddish-brown colour. Both sexes have a light-coloured muzzle.
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