Placidia Geographic Location in Holos | World Anvil
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Placidia is a Auloan region stretching from the northern coastline of Férulad to the mountains of Basceron. With pleasant warm summers and mild winters, the region is filled with fertile coastal plains, rugged hills, and a mosaic of temperate pine and deciduous forests. Today, rich farms carpet much of the countryside around bustling settlements and some of the largest cities on the continent. However, along many a road or field, broken plaster structures and faded marble ruins elude to a magnificent past filled with opportunity and destruction.   Placidia was originally home to a variety of semi-nomadic tribes and subsistence farmers from a number of intelligence species including gnomids, halflings, centaurs, minotaurs, and dwarves. In 292 PE, explorers from the Palladian Empire landed at the Spear of Venza, establishing a permanent link between the Auloan continent and lands of Nioa, Iroa, and Hakoa. Within a decade, Palladian forces began a campaign to conquer and subjugate the region known as the Placidian Wars. By 451 PE, the entirety of the region was under imperial control and was broken into a series of four provinces known collectively as the Dominion of Placidia. The Dominion would become a critical part of the Empire's industrial and agricultural sectors and was known as one of the most prosperous and profitable territories in the Palladian realm.   Following the death of Emperor Alcius IV and the Sundering Arcana, the region underwent a period of severe unrest as slave rebellions, invasions, and internal political power struggles ravaged the Empire's Auloan territories. By 239 SE, a total of five independent city-states were carved from the Dominion. This included the Republic of Solstice, the Duchy of Gildenvein, the Republic of Vararre, the Duchy of Pinereach and the [Matron State of Whitehill](organization:7690d382-4225-441d-bde8-46359ab3743c). Today, the city-states continue to vie for influence and territory and rarely come together except for mutual defense.    Today, the people of Placidia have developed a unique language and culture derived from three sources of influence: pre-contact tribal societies, Palladian settlers, and the descendants of Sundered Era migrants. However, few Placidians think of themselves as Placidians anymore, instead identifying as either citizens of a respective duchy or as members of an external ethnic group that happens to inhabit the region. Humans, half-elves, and elves make up the majority of the legally-recognized sentient population, with substantial minorities of dwarves, dragonborn, half-orcs, minotaurs, and tieflings found in isolated communities and city ghettos.


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