Kahré Character in Holos | World Anvil
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"Down, down, down and deeper still...the Abyssal One waits for you...She waits for all of us..." — a mad sailor's mutterings

The Abyssal One

Kahré is a Great Old One that has played a prominent role in the Ordering of the Cosmos. The name literally means "the Swallowing Abyss." The translation is sometimes reduced to simply "The Abyssal One." She is associated with the extreme depths of the sea, of darkness, the drowned, the unknown, whirlpools, krakens, leviathans, aboleths, sahuagin, merrow, and kuo-toa. As a Great Old One, she is believed to actually predate the Ordering of the Cosmos at the beginning of the Dawn Era. None know her true motives but she is almost universally regarded as wholly evil and almost inevitable.

Divine Domains

Kahré is associated with the extreme depths of the sea, darkness, the drowned, the unknown, whirlpools, the abyss, aboleths, krakens, leviathans, sahuagin, merrow, and kuo-toa. Her domains are Tempest, Nature, and Death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kahré's divine symbol is a whirlpool with a central, all-seeing eye. Her colors are dark purple and sanguine red.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kahré is never described as taking any form that is comprehensible to a mortal mind. She seems to relish in the madness she can bring upon a person. Most simply depict her as a great number of eyes emanating from the nexus of a dark whirlpool.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Few now remember Kahré’s true nature, only that she is an ancient goddess whom has existed since Before The Dawn. Kahré and her aboleth followers ruled a watery universe for eons uncountable until one day Sharun-sharek the Void Creature entered the fold and fought Kahré. They fought for many millennia and carved the space of the Astral Plane within which we now live. Finally, Kahré slew Sharun-sharek and the Voidcreature’s body exploded into the stars and nebulae above and thus appeared Milcon and Porcia. From one of the stars, sprung the light of the universe and it’s creator, Uriah⁣⁣ and from a nebula sprung the waters of the universe and it’s creator, Takuroa. Takuroa’s waters conflicted with the chaos of Kahré and they formed a warring pair of planes the Abyssal Depths and the Plane of Water. Kahré, weakened by the battle with Sharun-sharek, fell beneath the powers of Takuroa and has remained trapped in the Abyssal Depths ever since.   During the Dawn Era, Kahré waged her greatest attempt to escape from the Abyssal Depths. She set out to darken the seas and to flood the Material Plane by opening a portal to the Plane of Water and thus be freed from her prison. She summoned her legions of sahuagin, Oheilion's abandoned aquatic savages, the merrow, merfolk corrupted by demon powers, and the kuo-toa, foul fishheaded slaves forged by the aboleth empires. She set her armies on the Coral Castle and a great battle began, known today as the Deep War. Kahré nearly succeeded in opening the portal but with the help of the great sorcerer-king of the merfolk, Yammaula, also known as the Merking, the forces of Lacorré, Takuroa, and Telerashi were able to triumph.   And so Kahré was banished to the Abyssal Depths. Her sahuagin still roam the seas, hunting and killing in hopes of appeasing their once mighty goddess. Yammaula later turned on Lacorré when he was rebuked by the Sea’s Lover and crafted the coral ocarina, a legendary item that could control all sea life including the Gods of the Sea. With the help of Lacorré’s dutiful ghost sharks , Lacorré was freed from the spell and killed Yammaula.   Today, Kahré continues to wait patiently as she builds her armies out of the sights of the Heavenly Council, stealing souls from Lacorré, and building a force powerful enough to challenge the three gods of the Sea: Takuroa, Lacorré, and Telerashi.
Divine Classification
Great Old One
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Swallowing Abyss; That Which Lies Beneath the Below; The Deep One;
The Void
Current Residence
The Abyssal Depths


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