Crocoa Ethnicity in Helaeron | World Anvil


The Brute strength of the Reptilids. The Crocoa are massive scaled, bipedal Reptilids that largely resemble the Crocodile animal.
They are blood mad, ever eager to fight. To tear a living thing apart. And devour them with blind abandon.
Long ago bent under heel by their Xilasci overlords. They are conditioned to only act on their blood lust on the actual orders of their masters. And can be ordered to cease their feasts mid way, with no objection.

The Crocoa form the warrior elite of the Reptilids. Capable of boundless violence.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Tiga, Rovu, Etta, Tcira, Tuacu, Viuac, Buarsa, Iucai

Masculine names

Muaka, Kiulatu, Ekatura, Karukua, Tuguar, Tuigagal, Guasur


Culture and cultural heritage

The Crocoa have only one redeeming quality as a people among the Reptilids. A stalwart, and committed Warrior Tradition. They dedicate themselves to the mastering of the Sword, the Spear, the Cleaver, and the Axe. Perfecting their uses to their highest limits.

Common Dress code

Crocoa, like many Reptilids beneath the Xilasci, do not adorn themselves in clothing of any kind. But rather, will attach metal plating to their bodies in order to armor themselves further against enemies. 
More often than not, these armor plates are scaled, like their own scales. And are more functional pieces. Rather than decorative.


Beauty Ideals

The concept of beauty was long ago beaten out of the Crocoa. They now accept what ever mate of their own ilk comes their way, or is given to them to breed with. To create further Crocoa.

Gender Ideals

Crocoa are limited to only Male and Female conditions at birth. Incapable of gender morphing like their Xilasci masters. Even the idea of being other than they are at birth is lost on them.

Courtship Ideals

Crocoa do not court each other. Nor do they marry. They breed as ordered to by their Xilasci masters. And engage in breeding with as many as they are ordered to.

Major organizations

The Reptilid Empire was once empowered by armies of the Crocoa. Their brute strength and martial prowess made them a terror on the battlefield. Hence why the Xinai Men of The Dominion of Xi could not win at pitched battle against them.
But against the Dragonknights of The Ellician Empire, they could not withstand. Against the Firesong Dragons, they burned like kindling.
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