Milomir Kastyevich Novalasky Character in Heimaalin | World Anvil

Milomir Kastyevich Novalasky

Milomir Kastyevich Novalasky (Sevnóni: Новаласкы Міломір Кастыєвич; 27 July 402 - 9 January 407) was the son of Kastus Iharovich and Yelena Barysovna Novalasky.  


Milomir was born on the 27th of July in 1751 CR / 402 AU to Kastus Iharovich and Yelena Barysovna in their family home, Dwerzik Novalasky. As a young boy, Milomir spent his days exploring the wilderness surrounding the Dwerzik, climbing the tall pine trees of the forests and gathering shiny stones from the riverbeds. He was quite fond of listening to his mother and father's poetry, often requesting to be read lengthy works each night as he fell asleep. Due to his father's position as Commander of the Novaček City Watch, both Milomir and his mother Yelena were entitled to join Kastus in attending the daily preceedings of King Ilya's Court. Milomir would occasionally play with the young Prince Cazimir, strengthening the bond between King Ilya and Commander Iharovich.   On New Years Day, 407 A.U., Kastus was summoned to Vyssíjórgen Academy by Grandmaester Vlodmyrovich to devise strategies for dealing with the Sinopan invasion of the Southern Reach. Kastus departed for Vyssíjórgen from Pavöto on the 3rd of January, planning on returning by the 12th of the month. Milomir was left in the care of his mother, with his grandfather Ihar residing nearby in Novaček.   On the evening of January 9th, Yelena and Milomir were dining with the Dwerzik's small staff when three Westwythian brigands, Harold and two others, attempted to breach the Dwerzik's front entrance. One of the men, upon placing his hands on the door, triggered a defense glyph put in place by Kastus and was instantly disintegrated by a bolt of lightning. Harold and the remaining brigand correctly deduced that there would not be multiple glyphs in place, and stormed the building. The house staff, including the aged cook and the wet nurse, met the intruders at the entrance to the Great Hall, and attempted to mount a defense of the family with spears and shields pulled off the walls. Unfortunately, the brigands were able-bodied and skilled combatants, and the defenders were cut down where they stood. Milomir was pulled from his mother's arms and slain. Later, the boy's headless body would be hung above the front entrance of the Dwerzik for his father to find when he returned.
Milomir, circa. 406 A.U.
Date of Birth
27th of July
Date of Death
9th of January
402 AU 407 AU 5 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by Westwythian brigands
39 lb.