House Blackharbour Organization in Halruaal | World Anvil
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House Blackharbour

The Noble House of Blackharbour has always courted with dark powers as much as those of light. Consummate mages of the occult and masters of the outer realms of magic, many in their fold have consorted with Demons and angels alike. If one is seeking knowledge from beyond the material plane, the libraries of House Blackharbour is the place to go. From their vast workshops they have tested the bounds of creation and invocation magicks, summoning and binding entities into magic items beyond imagination. Only House Hanover has come close to their mastery of enchanting.

Focusing in the field of Conjuration, many of the wizards of House Blackharbour have trained in the religious and artistic crafting. All know and can recite the core tenants of the various faiths (though most choose to ignore them in matters of evil outsider summoning) and many are skilled smiths and craftsmen. While not as skilled at forging masterwork quality objects, they are have produced wonders that boggle the mind and ensnare the senses - sometimes quite literally. However with their work comes inherent risks (especially dealing with denizens of the lower realms), as such House Blackharbour has a deep, and at times one-sided, relationship with House Aetius and their wards. One must imagine how the current civil war between these houses has affected that relationship.

The many workshops of Castle Black Hold are home to objects of immense and terrible power. There are often tales by visitors claiming these artifacts have been foolishly abused. Various chambers of bound greater demons and devils have stirred a fear that should the castle ever been subject to siege, the country might face more danger than just a human war. As such, all the Houses have not dare to directly engage them for centuries.


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