Lida Kingwood Character in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Lida Kingwood

Lida Kingwood is a baroness from countryside outside of Hurest in the Isles D'L'Ests - Blackharbour territory. Though only a baroness, she has proven her abilities in magic and manipulation, having successfully been chosen to be the Ambassador to the city state of Corio in the Dytika Isles.  She's made a name for herself within the city, effortlessly twisting males and females alike with her wiles and knowledge of the arcane arts.  Though not a member of Clan Oni's black hand, she seems to know nearly everything that goes on within the city without the full resources of an elaborate spy network behind her.   

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, graceful, and slender, Lida Kingwood dances through life with a grace that some almost find elvish (though none in Blackharbour would be so bold to give the "insult").  She is fair and keeps herself in good physical condition - if only to impress others.

Body Features

Like most Kingwoods, Lida has silvery, grey hair that flow down past her shoulders.

Identifying Characteristics

Lida always wears high class yet revealing clothing native to the fashion in Hurest.  Almost every chance she gets, she wears a ballgown, even in situations where it might not be entirely practical.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lida Kingwood is a moderately well known noble from house Kingwood.  Her house is a minor vassal of Blackharbour and is well regarded for their conjuration prowess and ability to hunt rogue mages. Lida herself has been a quite successful bounty hunter in her region as well as an influential face at court.  Though those that know her also understand she is an extremely ambitious individual and quite capable of climbing the social ladder.  


Lida is incredibly liberal with her sexuality.  She has been seen with many a paring whether male, female, non-binary, or transgender.  If she sees a profit to be had or an interesting quirk or ambition, she is likely to pursue it.  


Lida studied wizardry with the rest of her peers as soon as she turned 10 and is a graduate of the Gorsuch academy in Hurest.  While not at the top of her class, she finished respectably.  She was quite popular among the students at Gorsuch and was never without some group or relationship - an fact that roused suspicion and speculation in the social community.  


Now, the Baroness is an agent of House Blackharbour and Ambassador to the Sybil of Corio - a task that she takes very seriously.  

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Lida is well capable at manipulating people but her reputation does proceed her in certain locations, particularly among the upper levels of the Magisterium.

Personality Quirks

Her eyes always follow the most prominent figure in the room (if it is not her), and she will position herself to always be spotted by them.
Date of Birth
13 Raging 1980
Year of Birth
1980 AR 23 Years old
Light Crystal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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