Bishop Rank/Title in Halruaal | World Anvil
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The rank of Bishop is typically similar to the Senior Enchanter among the Imperial Senate.  It is the highest rank one can hope to achieve without the endorsement of at least a majority of the voting Bishops within the Church of the Seven.  Bishops have spent close to their entire lives within the Church and have given themselves body and soul over to worship of the Seven Halruaalan deities.  Bishops are also well practiced clerics - ones who's divine magic can rival that of the Senior enchanters in the wizard led Senate. 


Governing the Temples and churches within the region of the largest Halruaalan cities.  They spread the various doctrines to Vicars and Priest which eventually are disseminated to the common people.  


The Bishops are practically royalty within the Church and praised by the common people.  They can expect to receive the best treatment among the people (and the grudging respect of nobles everywhere).
Religious, Political
Form of Address
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