
For when the Solar Titan planted his foot upon the world, He knew Gehnnia to be the strongest land. We must shine all the brighter for His glory.
— Emperor Elnur Parvin

A Land of Mists

  Gehnnia is a unique country consisting of lush, verdant valleys, thick tropical forests and jagged, discontinuous mountains. Its people are traditional, living in mostly rural towns, they live within strict castes and follow their emperor as the voice of the divine. The majority of the kingdom benefits from natural boundaries which shield it from most invasion attempts from other nations. To the north of Gehnnia is bordered by the sea, while to the west are high, craggy mountains. The southern border is the wide, deep and fast flowing Tural River, beyond which lies Gehnnia’s closest ally and trading partner, Zeder, while the eastern border lies within treacherous swamps and jungles. These natural barriers have afforded Gehnnia some protection from most enemy advances, though they have had to deal with hostile factions within their borders, they were generally free to advance their own culture without the influence of others.  

Major Cities

Sol’Gehnnia is the ancient capital of Gehnnia; it is said the titan of the sun first set foot on the world there, being built in primeval times in the bowl of what is, according to legend, his footprint. Over the centuries the city has grown into one of the largest metropolises in the world, with over three hundred thousand residents. The green-tiled, sloping roofs are often adorned with carved suns or flame motifs, with multileveled spires that reach into the sky. The bell-shaped residential buildings feature reflecting pools, carved statues, and reliefs. Larger complexes also have open gardens and private interior courtyards, training yards and outdoor shrines with crystals meant to capture the heat and light of the sun.   The capitol is also home to the Imperial Palace, a colossal structure like a city within a city. The palace is considered a wonder of the world, built in a bygone era when magic was rampant and humans more commonly lived side by side with mythical beings. The throne room is adorned with a crystal dome, which is thought to be the oldest part of the city. This crystal, during the day, throws the throne room into a kaleidoscope of fractal colors which has led to visitors calling it the Rainbow Throne or the Sunlit Throne. The Palace complex is full of the ancient mixed with the more modern, having been expanded and built upon for many generations.   Mizo’Gehnnia is another ancient city, a temple complex built out of, and on top of the peak of a mountain. The entire city is connected through tunnels, bridges, and causeways melded out of shining, dark stone. The god the temple was originally dedicated to has long been forgotten, but the Gehnnians have had centuries to repurpose it to honor the Solar Titan. Scattered throughout the city are many intricately carved onyx obelisks, which have been capped with crystals. Statues of long forgotten kings, queens, and gods emerge from the stone, hiding in alcoves, soaking in fountains or crowning buildings. There are so many statues that people often refer to Mizo’Gehnnia as the City of Faces.
Foltar is a newer city, near the southern border on the banks of the Tural River. It is the biggest trade city in the region, always bustling with merchants, traders, and consumers at all hours of the day and night. Many buildings in Foltar are built with removable panels and sliding walls so they can easily be converted into merchant stalls then back into dwellings when the occupants close up shop. The streets are lined with tall iron braziers to ensure traders and patrons have light to conduct business. Foltar is also the most diverse city in Gehnnia, with nearly half of the residents being of Zederian descent. This city is often the first stop for those traveling into Gehnnia over land and it is through the Gate of the Sun, a giant free-standing gate of painted wood and beaten bronze, they all enter.   The newest city of Gehnnia is Seir Onia, which is not quite a proper city so much as a port under construction. It is a tented settlement where many Aure’ellar live. It is home to the shipyards and main docks where elven shipwrights oversee the construction of Gehnnian naval vessels. Permanent structures are being built to house sailors and shipbuilders, but for the most part, the residents live on ships or in large, multi-roomed tents. In the bay stands a crystal statue, built by unknown hands in the ancient past. The statue was for centuries believed to be a natural structure, covered in barnacles and coral, until the Emperor, Elnur Parvin the Great, discovered what lay beneath. He launched an excavation of sorts, clearing the statue of nature and revealing a prehistoric king in heavy armor, draped in robes. The green, shining crystal of the Sea King has become an iconic symbol of Gehnnia, who’s stoic presence greets all who enter the bay.

Empire of the Living Gods

Capitol: Sol’Gehnnia (population: 300,450)   Major Cities: Foltar, Mizo’Gehnnia, Seir Onia   Major races: Humans - (Gehnnians, Zederians, Suji) Elves - (Aure’ellar or Star Elves and half-elves)   Major religions: Imperial Divine, Solar Titan   Languages: Gehnnian, Suji, Aurellan, Sitaarian   Imports: Fish, furs, metals, luxuries   Exports: Textiles, horses, fruits, grains, jade, ivory, luxuries
Geopolitical, Empire


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