Verity Paintbrush Item in Hall of Doors - Ustehall | World Anvil

Verity Paintbrush

In 9,232,878,113, the Kingdom of Ofay commissioned the Ofay Mage Guild to create an object that when a person is in its presence they cannot tell a lie.  The Ofay Mages Guild bough a cheap paintbrush from a local vender, created a truth spell, and attached the spell to the paint brush.   At first it didn't work, and the mages couldn't figure out why.  Then, the King had a painting commissioned by a local artist of his wife, the Queen, but the Queen was not the prettiest women in the land. The King told the artist to make her the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The artist set up his supplies in a corner of the throne room and started painting. Everything was going fine.   Until one day, the King was meeting with his advisors and they brought out the Verity Paintbrush. Again the paintbrush didn't work and the King got frustrated, hurled the paintbrush across the room and stormed.  The artist, who was poor, decided that it was still a perfectly good paintbrush and would work perfectly well for his painting.   The next day, the artist started using the Verity Paintbrush will working on the Queen's painting. Now, the paintbrush worked as designed. It made the truth be told, not only on the painting, but also everywhere with in the room.  The King found out that three of his advisors were conspiring to assassinate him, that his Queen was cheating on him with his brother, and that his youngest son wasn't his son at all.  Plus, the Queen's portrait turned out to look exactly like her. It didn't make her beautiful at all.   To this day, the Kingdom of Ofay keeps a painter in their throne room at all times painting art using the Verity Paintbrush. It keeps everyone truthful. BUT their official court painting are all done elsewhere with other paintbrushes.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Paintbrush with Purple Paint by Kat Sanders (me)
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization
One of a kind
Brush: Bright, Size 8
Style: Long Handle
Width: 8.5 mm
Length: 12 mm
Base Price

Cover image: Ustehall by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI


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