Draconic Molten Skin Condition in Hall of Doors - Ustehall | World Anvil

Draconic Molten Skin

Warning: Graphic pictures of medical conditions.


This magical condition is caused by using too much Draconic magic without proper safeguards. It can affect anyone except those who have Dragons blood running through their veins, even if their ancestor was from far in the past. Most people in high to extreme magic worlds can use draconic magic at least a little, but it burrows its way inside of them and feasts on their magical stores. If they use too much to often, it will eat away at their magic until they go crazy. It will eventually lead to their death.
The reason this happens is that draconic magic tries to fight and take over the magic of the other species. Since it is not natural to any species, but the dragons (or anyone with dragon ancestry), their bodies can not handle the fight and Molten Skin is the result.


Stage One:

Red rashes all along the body. Magical powers start to fluctuate, but are still controllable. At this stage, draconic magic can be flushed from the mage's system with a simple ritual. If the mage is smart, they will perform this ritual on a regular basis. This way, they will never get to the point of having the rash on their body.

Stage Two:

Red rash with blisters all along the body. Magical powers spark at odd times, causing havoc. The mage has no control over when or where it is going to happen. A special draconic healer has to flush the foreign magic out of the mage's system. Then the mage has to be completely magic free for at least 60 days.

Stage Three:

Red, scaly skin all along the body. Magic powers are completely out of control. Mage is starting to lose control of rational thought and their emotional stability. They will lash out in anger one minute, weep in despair the next, and then be filled with delirium a few minutes later. A special draconic healer has to perform a special draconic ritual that takes away all magic from this magic user for all time. They become a complete null. They will also lose all their fertility, and some lose their mind. They are never the same again.

Stage Four:

Red volcanic skin all along the body. At this point, they are completely physically comatose. Their magic, however, is a wild storm around them. The only escape for the mage at this point is death. Either by being killed or the magic overtakes their body and explodes. If the explosion happens, depending on how powerful the mage was, it could take out a large area around them. Most people around someone with Stage Four Molten Skin will kill them before they can explode.

Affected Groups

Anyone with magic that practices draconic magic.


Each mage practicing draconic mage should use a special cleansing ritual every 30 days. This will prevent the build up of draconic magic in their system causing Molten Skin.


The first recorded case was in 899,648. A student of Syvis Balvyre, Ailluin Vaxalim, decided that he knew better than his teacher and refused to do the cleansing rituals the dragons has taught zir. He eventually exploded, taking three blocks of housing, killing 16 others and wounds 33 more. His story is still told today to those who don't listen to their teachers.

Cultural Reception

"Oh Kadar, my son has a rash. You have to see him right now!!"
— A concern parent to an Apprentice Mage
Rashes are considered a very serious medical condition, especially if a mage is involved. Enough mages have exploded that any case of rash is seen very quickly.   Depending on the world and openness of the libraries, children are also watched carefully for rashes. Those world with open libraries see a higher number of children being identified as mages because they read a book on dragon magic, try it out, but don't know the safety precautions. A portion of an Apprentice time is working the testing rooms at the Mage Guild. The test each case of rash to see if it Molten Skin or not. If it is, they recommend the ritual. If it is not, they send the parents with child to a healer.



First case of Draconic Magic Skin recorded on 05/23/9,108,368,965 Ustehall Time

Cover image: Ustehall by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI


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