Halika History of Stildane Timeline
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History of Stildane

Burning Age

100 DE 400 ME

Centuries of desolation followed the scouring of Stildane, leaving little in the way of recorded history or urban centers

  • 100 DE

    The Scouring of Stildane
    Disaster / Destruction

    Ederstone meteors pummeled Stildane, mutating the landscape and changing the world forever. Kobolds were made then as well

  • 209 ME

    300 ME

    The Cursed Storms
    Geological / environmental event

    Storm patterns shifted by climactic changes during this period came down from the Northeast, kicking up Ederstone shards. Mutated, diseased snow came down in a series of horrific blizzards through the 200's.

  • 220 ME

    258 ME

    Adventures of Ustav the Spring Spirit
    Life, Career

    Ustav began his life as a bandit-mercenary sorcerer, but spent his life working to protect communities across Stildane. One of the three most powerful sorcerers in history, Ustav died tragically. His ghost, exposed to Ederstone, became transformed and he exists in some form to this day as a part of the land he so dearly loved.

  • 400 ME

    600 ME

    The Great Ghost Boom
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A Global Boom in ghosts as many die in particularly funny or tragic ways

Storming Age

400 ME 1200 ME

From 400 to 1200, wars, blights, and plagues wracked the developing Stildane. Large centralized havens developed, forming the backbone of future governments.

  • 400 ME

    600 ME

    The Great Ghost Boom
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A Global Boom in ghosts as many die in particularly funny or tragic ways

  • 460 ME

    The First Kivish Horde
    Military action

    Verkon the Truthful began fighting to unite the many Kobold tribes of Stildane, hoping to create an army that could conquer the entire wasteland

  • 465 ME

    Arrival of Vetka the Liberator

    Vetka the Liberator was a Samvaran druid that became desperately lost during an expedition. Fleeing across the ocean from Desmia after being shipwrecked, Vetka arrived in Stildane in 465. He would introduce the local community to Druidism, and is a foundational figure in Hainish legend and religion. He would leave for Samvara again in 495 after mastering teleportation, and continue visiting Hain until his death in 600.

  • 480 ME

    Uvikov Written
    Religious event

    The Uvikov, book of supreme truth, was a collection of wisdom and knowledge from across Kobold-kind and the foundation of Kivishta

  • 660 ME

    Exorcists's Guild Arrives in Stildane
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Forged in Suneka with Stildanian assistance, the Exorcist's Guild spread quickly across Stildane in this period as a way of handling ghosts

  • 870 ME

    900 ME

    The Yellow Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    A plague from Suneka that proved quite fatal for large cities and clustered havens in Stildane.

  • 920 ME

    1005 ME

    The Mageplague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Yellow Death mutated and merged with other diseases in the Stildanian frontier, returning with a vengeance in 920. Strains of this continued to merge and evolve until the last, most lethal strain finally petered out in 1005. All surviving strains have evolved to be non-lethal and almost unrecognizable.

  • 990 ME

    Bardic Magic Brought to Versori
    Technological achievement

    Learned in Inahng and brought to the Hunting Halls of Versori, where Bardism quickly becomes an institution.

  • 1000 ME

    Death of the last Kizen Emperor
    Life, Death

    The Kizen empire would never recover from the succession crises following this, leading to a slow dissolution through 1100.

  • 1001 ME

    Creation of Wizardry
    Scientific achievement

    In 1000ME, the puzzle of the Architects was solved- allowing the researchers of Kiazerov to cast the first ever wizard spell.

  • 1004 ME

    1080 ME

    The Withering Blight
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Mageplague's final strain had become so detached from its initial transmission method and biology that it merged with Dryad Blight in 1004. The Blight strain survived more effectively, as the dryad population had prospered untouched by plague since 900. By 1080, most lethal strains had died out.

  • 1100 ME

    The Schism of Rumakel
    Religious event

    Following the utter destruction of the empire, Kivishta faithful attempted to meet at the holy city of Rumakel to chart their path forward. The disastrous meeting ending in a complete breaking of the religion into two: The Liberated Path and the Revered Path

  • 1150 ME

    1190 ME

    The Singing Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    In 1150, a less lethal strain of Withering Blight mutated once again, jumping this time to Prisms. Urban Prisms, having never had diseases, had no means of treatment or control. The singing plague's substrains are the origins of all Prism illness.

  • 1180 ME

    1380 ME

    Kamra the Stormbreaker
    Life, Career

    A North Boramese Prism, Kamra learned the secrets of Moon Druidism from Pangolin-made ents. Losing her commune at a young age and accidentally starting a war, she was exiled into Desmia and Samvara in 1205, where she discovered Healing Alchemy and other secrets of the West. Returning to Stildane permanently in 1310, she spent the rest of her life as a healer and peacemaker. Northern Healing Circles and Alchemical Lodges revere her as their patron ancestor.

Shining Age

1200 ME 2020 ME

Twin meteors towards the end of the mageplague marked the beginning of a new era- one of comfort, expansion, and construction.

  • 1201 ME

    Starlight Assembly
    Religious event

    A meeting in the kingdom of Hain meant to create a unified definition of Rutogen

  • 1300 ME

    The Rebirth of the Kizen Empire

    Emperor Kazalim the Phoenix recreated the Kizen Empire, driving out the Path of Liberation communities and declaring a new Kobold age.

  • 1420 ME

    1440 ME

    The War of False Prophets
    Military action

    The Kizen empire entered a bloody phase of civil war, redefining the Kivistha religion and leading to the creation of the Promised Path and Exalted Path Kivishta. Accidentally leads to the Exalted Path invasion of Desmia.

  • 1600 ME

    Selkies Arrive in Boram
    Population Migration / Travel

    Selkies traders arrive in Boram, establishing their first trading outposts

  • 1680 ME

    Kizen Coup by the Children of Verkon Cult
    Religious event

    In 1680, the Children of Verkon, a hyper-conservative cult group claiming to uphold the ancient teachings of Verkon the Truthful, launched a successful palace coup for their puppet candidate in the Empire of Kizen. The Children would hold onto the throne until 1715, and continue to grow as a faction after.

  • 1750 ME

    Week of Cleansing
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 1750, with support from the Lunar Pantheon, Revered Path enforcers were able to locate and exterminate all remaining Children of Verkon or Truthfal Path groups in Stildane in a week-long mass persecution. Many extremists converted to other paths to escape persecution.

  • 1810 ME

    Conversion of Gokoboram
    Religious event

    Desmian religious and mercantile influence over Gokoboram had been growing since the 1600's, slowly increasing Orthodox presence. In 1810, the former Kobold Kivishta priest turned Orthodox missionary Sovoster officially ordained Gokoboram young prince and heir to Orthodoxy and founded the official Boram Ecclesia.

    Additional timelines
  • 1810 ME

    1853 ME

    Conquests of Eketen
    Military action

    Under Emperor Avenek I, the Empire of Eketen was the first state in history to unite the entirety of the Eketeni region in 1840. Eketen reached its high point in 1853, after the conquest of Kasteny. Now the Empire dominates South Stildane

  • 2000 ME

    Assassination of Kudana I
    Life, Death

    Kudana I, empress of Eketen, was assassinated while touring the military holdings of Northwestern Eketen. This event launched the Eketeni civil war, which has dragged on to the present day