Wulfer Dron Character in Grendor | World Anvil
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Wulfer Dron

"Magick harnesses the energy we build through movement in order to give it direction and purpose. But as I said before, until you can find a sense of peace, I’m not going to trust you to move a wall." - Wulfer


Wulfer Dron is a 400+ year old Draga. He was banished from his home in Navalai for seeking a 'false truth' about The Great War and so he set off to find the truth anyway. His hope is that it will finally bring peace to his people, and to the elves they'd been fighting with for thousands of years.    


Eyes: Blue
Face: Squared, defined jawline
Hair: White and tied in a long plait from his forhead to the back of his head, braids running along the sides. Completely bald sides to show off the dragon mark
Height: 6'3" broad shoulders, very muscular
Other: Has silver skin, a hallmark of the Draga


Wulfer's goal is to retrieve the four staffs, each representing an element. Each also used to belong to powerful wizards and are rumoured to hold pure magick within them. Once the four staffs are collected, they can be used to open the stone tree. Inside, there should be the truth about The Great War. In turn, revealing this truth should allow him to return with honour and live among his people once again.   He's a very caring person and provides a fatherly figure to Anwyn, although he can be firm at times. He also cares deeply for his partner, Gudfiin. Their relationship is more of a deep, spiritual one rather than a traditionally sexual one.
Year Of Birth
unknown, 400+ years old  
Gudfiin Dron - partner

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