The Great War Military Conflict in Grendor | World Anvil
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The Great War

The Story

Over a three thousand years ago, The Draga and The Vulmari began a war with one another. Terrible crimes were committed on both sides, and many lives were lost.   As the rise of The Humans kingdom began, The Draga and The Vulmari retreated to their homelands but the war rages on as civil war. Neither will help the other.   As King Garund's forces destroyed the Banlin Elves, the war started once more. Neither side knew where exactly the other was so assassins (Talguins), creatures (Nobaa) and magick beings have been sent back and forth. Often these acts of war are interrupted by farms, livestock and generally just people going about their day. This has increased the death count.   Wulfer asked the elders of Navalai to stop the war so that they could take on The Humans together and stop the slaughter of fae folk. The elders disagreed and banished him for suggesting an unlawful truth.   The four staffs will unlock the stone tree at the heart of Navalai and, legend has it, the history of The Draga will be revealed. For suggesting the Draga don't even know why they're fighting, Wulfer was banished.   This truth could stop the war and allow The Vulmari and Draga to fight against King Beiric Reybon's new and terrible regime (actually created by Hunfray), and save the fae folk.    

The Truth

What became legend to the elves, was founded in truth. Fire and Water actually represent the draga (fire) and the elves (water) but because they were such powerful beings, their love would have ripped a hole in the world. They decided they'd live life as their pure elements and be together with the earth rather than not at all. The Draga blame the death of their most powerful warrior on the elves and slaughtered thousands as revenge.   The elves fought back with just as much terror and spite and thus the war began. It's been over three thousand years and no-one can remember this truth. The truth they believe is that the other is the blame for the war and that's all that counts.
The Battle For Vulmarn (life)    
The Vulmari Military
Conflict Type

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