Anwyn |Meirvar| Yirfred Character in Grendor | World Anvil
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Anwyn |Meirvar| Yirfred

“Do I get any more information than that?” She raised an eyebrow, muttering to herself, “or would it break my little female mind?” - Anwyn


Anwyn is strong-willed (stubborn) and full of passion for doing the right thing... Most of the time. Her history, though short, is full of pain which she carries with her. She was found abandoned as a baby just outside of Maelis in a village called Rekyan. When she was old enough, she went looking for adventure, though she was really searching for her birth parents.

She ended returning to Maelis, taking refuge in a house run by Madam Meira. As part of the conditions for living with Meira, Anwyn took on the family name Meirvar, replacing the one she was given by her adopted parents. After a couple of years at Madam Meria's house, Anwyn found herself in jail where she met Wulfer.    


Eyes: Brown (turn blue as magick gets stronger)
Face: Round, gentle jawline
Hair: Brown, shaved on the sides, the long parts braided into a ponytail (turns white the more magick she uses)
Height: 5'7" slim and muscular frame
Other: Has a mark on the side of her face which grows the more magick she uses. To begin with it looks like a small serpent, but becomes a large dragon


Anwyn's arc is to realise her true heritage as Draga. She was destined to become the White Elder in fact, and so she is unusually gifted with extremely powerful magick. Her birth parents were incredibly powerful, her mother's bloodline descending from the first Draga. Her actual family name is Yirfred.   Although she pretends to have a tough exterior, she really just wants everyone to be happy and will try her hardest to make that happen. She makes sarcastic comments a lot, often to hide her true emotions.
Draga (but thinks she's human)  
Year Of Birth
3631, 21 years old  
Wulfer Dron - father figure

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