Madam Meira Character in Grendor | World Anvil
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Madam Meira

“I provide only the best education for the poor lost children of the city. No other school will take them, but the Mage of Life has blessed me with this mission.” - Madam Meira


Madam Meira, who won't be addressed without her title, is a highborn of Maelis city. Her husband died in a tragic accident just four days after the couple were wed, and so she has never had any children of her own. Having left her his house in his will, her husband's home became the only orphanage in the city.   What those outside of the orphanage don't know, is that the education the children receive is basic literacy and mathematics, and an intense course in assassins skills. These orphans with no family name, also have the honour of receiving the mark of Madam Meira's teaching, taking on the school's family name; Meirvar.    


Eyes: Light blue
Face: Round, gentle jawline
Hair: White and long, though kept in place with a large hair clip on the back of her head
Height: 5'6" slim frame
Other: Has overly rouged cheeks, the style of make-up which was popular in her 20's


Madam Meira is a formidable woman and not one to have as an enemy. When taking children into her care, Meira keeps track of their costs so that when the child is fully capable of performing their duty as an assassin-for-hire (often by age 12), they can start paying her back. With interest, of course. On the rare occasion that one of her students leaves her care before the debt is repaid, Meira has certain... Connections which help get them back.   As Anwyn has left without as much as a goodbye, Madam Meira will be wanting to have words with her. After all, the girl was one of her most promising students.
Year Of Birth
3573, 79 years old  

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